Jean d’Alembert” scholarship program: University of Paris-Saclay 1321 views

The University of Paris-Saclay offers Jean d’Alembert” scholarship program. This Excellence Initiative targets to provide highly qualified International scientists with long-term stays (from 6 to 12 months) in one of the laboratories within its perimeter.

Scientists from all disciplines and all countries are eligible.

Two different programs are proposed:

  • Scholarships “young researcher” for candidates who have obtained their PhD for less than 10 years before
  • The “confirmed researcher” scholarships
  • In both cases the 6-12 month visit may be divided into a maximum of two distinct periods of at least three months, separated by a maximum of 12 months between the end of the first period and the beginning of the second period.

Scholarship value:

  • monthly salary: € 2600 net for the “young researcher” program; € 3300 net for confirmed researchers,
  • Accompanying costs; costs associated with the temporary establishment of the fellow in the laboratory in France.


  • Applicant must hold PhD or equivalent, obtained less than 10 years at the time of application for the Young Researchers program; must have been recruited for a post of researcher, engineer or teacher-researcher at the institution of origin (Tenure track possible).
  • Applicants who have resided in France for more than six months at the time of application are not eligible.
  • French citizens may apply to the program, provided that their usual place of residence and work has been abroad for at least 5 years.


  • Complete CV including a list of publications
  • Letters of recommendation (preferably from outside the Paris-Saclay perimeter)
  • Research project and possibly a training program or seminars, developed jointly with the host team
  • A letter from the host laboratory specifying in particular the accompanying costs requested under the “Jean d’Alembert” program.
—————-Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Paris-Saclay
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amount€ 2600 for young researcher program;

€ 3300 for confirmed researchers

EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline31 March 2017


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