Project positions are available at the School of Biotechnology, JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY (JNU) funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.

Program:DBT-Jawaharlal Nehru University, Interdisciplinary Life Science Program for Advanced Research & education.

Project area: From Molecules to Systems: Exploring biological space using chemical and synthetic biology” cutting across Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary positions (Research and Technical positions) at JNU.

Project duration:  upto March 2017.

Position 1: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) – 01

Project Title: Structure, function, and dynamics of biomolecules and Molecular engineering” 

Qualifications required:

  1. Sc./Biotech/Life Sciences and related fields
  2. Experienced in the field of protein expression, purification, structural determination and inhibitor screening etc.
  3. Relevant research publication.
  4. 2 years research experience as a JRF

Investigator (PI): Dr. S. Gaurinath, School of Life Sciences.

Fellowship amount: Rs. 14, 000+30% HRA p.m. 

Post –2: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) – 01 Post

 Project Title: Identifying targets for therapeutics in neurodegenerative disorders

Senior Research Fellow (SRF) – 01

Essential qualifications required:

  1. Sc. degree in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Zoology.
  2. 2 years research experience in primary culture of neurons and live-cell microscopy/imaging and related studies/analysis.

Investigator (PI): Prof. B. N. Mallick, School of Life Sciences.

Fellowship amount: Rs. 14, 000+30% HRA p.m. 

 Postition 3:  Technical Assistant (2)

 Required Qualifications:

  1. Sc./B.Tech in any of the Science/Technology subjects
  2. Experience in handling modern equipments used in Biotechnology research.
  3. Should be capable of record keeping, taking care of office work, scientific report preparation,
  4. Experience in the field will be preferred.

Salary: Rs. 18000/- pm consolidated

Post 4: Technical Assistant (1)

Required Qualifications:

  1. MCA/B.Tech in Information Technology (IT) or Computer Science subjects
  2. Experience to handle modern equipments that are used in Bio-science research.
  3. Knowledge and experience in maintenance and handling of computers,
  4. knowledge in Linux OS
  5. Use of various software will be mandatory criteria for the post.
  6. Installation and maintenance of High power/cluster servers would be desirable.

Salary amount: Rs. 18000/- per month consolidated

How to Apply: The applications on plain paper indicating >

  1. Name,
  2. date of birth/age,
  3. address,
  4. essential / technical / professional qualifications,
  5. experience,
  6. research work,

The document should reach the Program Coordinator on or before 10th June 2016 at following address:

The Envelop should be embarked for the Post applied for. Any clarifications regarding projects may be sought from the respective project investigators as mentioned.

Address for correspondence: 
Programme Coordinator
School of Biotechnology (JNU)
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

More Information: Click this

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