Jawaharlal Nehru Univeristy (JNU) invites applications for various posts of Research Assistants (RA), Senior Research Fellows.
School of Physical Sciences (SPS)
Name of the Post: Research Assistants (RA)/ temporary
Research field: Theoretical High Energy Physics to work on a joint Indo-French research project “Symmetries and Dynamics: Worldsheet and Spacetime” funded by the Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR-CEFIPRA).
PIs: Debashis Ghoshal (SPS, JNU, Delhi) and Ruben Minasian (CEA, Saclay).
- Doctorate in the broad area of Theoretical High Energy physics with specialization in String Theory, with published research papers in peer reviewed international journals.
- Only Indian or French nationals are eligible for the positions.
- One of these positions is for 2 years with monthly emoluments of Rs. 36000 + 30% HRA during the first year and Rs. 38000 + 30% HRA during the second year, respectively.
- The second position is for one year only with monthly emoluments of Rs. 36000 + 30% HRA.
Last Date: September 15, 2016
Applications to be sent to e-mail to dghoshal@mail.jnu.ac.in
School of Computational & Integrative Sciences
Project: Functional genomics approaches in understanding the regulation of synthesis and accumulation of apocarotenoids in saffron crocus (Crocus sativus L.)
Funding Agency: DBT
Senior Research Fellow: 01 post
Fellowship: Rs. 28,000/- + HRA per month
- M.Sc. degree (with minimum of 55% marks) or equivalent in Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology or any other related field with minimum two years of research experience.
- The candidate having computer skills (Linux, Perl, Java, MySQL) and/or experience in NGS data analysis/advanced molecular biology techniques will be given preference.
Project Assistant: 01 post
Fellowship: Rs. 15000/month (consolidated)
- M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology or any other related field. The candidate having good computer skills and/or experience in NGS data analysis/molecular biology techniques will be given preference.
Last Date: August 25, 2016
School of Life Sciences
Project title: Entamoeba histolytica- bacterium interaction and the role of this intestinal pathogenesis-AMOEBAC.
Funding: Department of Biotechnology
Senior Research Fellow: One (01)
Salary: Rs. 28000/ + HRA per month
- M.Sc. in any field of Life Sciences with two year experience on parasite molecular biology
- Desirable qualification: National Eligibility Test Qualified (CSIR / UGC / ICMR).
Last Date: 22nd August 2016.
Research associate: 1 post
Salary: Rs. 36,000/- + HRA p.m.
Project: Chemical genomics approach for understanding the mechanism of action of fludioxonil, a broad spectrum antifungal agent.
- PhD in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or Life Science having experience in working with fungi or yeast. Preference will be given to applicants who are well versed in handling yeast and fungal ells and acquainted with gene cloning and expression of proteins technique as evident form publication in peer reviewed international journal of high impact.
Last Date: 25th Aug 2016
Research Associate (RA): 01 post
Project title: Molecular expression of voltage dependant Na+ and Ca+ channal in iron-induced epilepsy and antiepileptic action of Dehydroepiendrosterone (DHEA)
Fellowship/Salary: 36000/ pm+ HRA (30%)
- Candidate must possess Ph.D degree in Neuroscience, Biomedical Sciences or related field of Life Science. Candidate having experience in Neuroscience, Immunocytochemistry and molecular biology will be given preference. Candidate would be required to join immediately.
Last date: 20 August 2016
—————Quick Overview————- | |
Fellowship Level | RA/SRF |
Country | India |
Subject areas | Life Sciences, Computational & Integrative Sciences, Physical Sciences |
Fellowship amount | Varies |
Eligibility | Open for Indian nationals |
Deadline | Varies with the project |
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