JRF and RAs: Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) 5626 views

Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) / Research Associates (RAs) Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

Online Interview for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) / Research Associates (RAs) Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL). DMRL was established at Hyderabad in 1963 to meet the needs of complex materials for modern Defence applications with a mission to develop advanced materials, innovative process technologies and related product engineering, supported by basic and applied research.

Description: DMRL invites applications for the position of Eighteen (18) Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Three(03) Research Associates (RAs).

Fellowships: Fellowship Emoluments for

JRF: Rs. 31,000 per month

Research Associate: Rs. 54,000

(with applicable H.R.A and Medical facilities are pplicable as per rules). 

Deadline: 02.01.2021

Position Details: Applications are invited from candidates possessing the following qualification:

PositionSubject AreaRequired Essential QualificationPosts
JRF Metallurgy/Material
 BE/B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering/ Materials   Science and Engineering/Materials
Science / Materials Engineering / Materials   Technology with First Division. Desirable:      Preference shall be given to those     who  have either    M.Tech degree or GATE   Qualified.
JRFPhysics M.Sc. in Physics with First Division.

Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who   are UGC/CSIR-NET/GATE Qualified.

JRFChemistry M.Sc. in Chemistry with First Division.

Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who are UGC/C SIR-NET/GATE Qualified.

JRFMechanical BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with First   Division.

Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who   have either M.Tech degree or GATE Qualified.

 ME/M.Tech with First Division with three years’     experience or Ph.D in Metallurgical   Engineering/Material Science and engineering.  01
RAPhysics M.Sc with First Division with three years’         experience or Ph.D in Physics.  01
RAChemistry M.Sc with First Division with three years’           experience or Ph.D in Chemistry.  01

Application Procedure

Eligible candidates applications in specified proforma as per Annexure –II (DRDO website) and along with scanned copies of required certificates/testimonials, Community Certificate or degrees may be send to the e-mail ID admin@dmrl.drdo.in on or before 02.01.2021. 

For further details and application form log on to official website (link given below)

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDefence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL)
Fellowship LevelResearch associate, Junior research fellowship
Subject areasPhysics, Material Science, Electronics, Chemistry, Computer
Fellowship amountAs per the GoI norms
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals

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