Project Positions at Jawaharlal Nehru University: Multiple Project Positions (JRF, SRF, RA) are available at JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University). Details of the Positions are given below – 

Position 1:

School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Position 1: Walk-in Interview for the 01 Research Associate (RA) position within the J C Bose sponsored project on:”Genetic Manipulation of Siroheme Biosynthesis to Increase Nitrogen, Sulphur and Carbon use Efficiency of Plants” in the laboratory of Prof B. C. Tripathy.


  1. Ph.D in Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/Plant Physiology/Molecular Biology/Botany or allied sciences.
  2. Candidates who have submitted their thesis can also apply

Fellowship: Rs 36000/- consolidated

Date of Walk in Interview: 06-02-2017 at 11.00 AM

Venue: Room No. 218, Second Floor, School of Life Science, JNU.

How to Apply: Candidates should bring the hard copy of the bio data along with prior publication proof.

[ Professor B. C. Tripathy ]
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

Position 2:

School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Applications were invited for the following post in the DBT funded project entitled “microRNA combination therapy in in-vivo & in-vitro Model System”.

Position: Research Associate

  1. Ph.D. in Life Sciences or any life sciences related subjects with experience in Cancer Biology.
  2. Experience in Cancer Biology with expertise in cell culture technique and handling of small animals (Mice and rat).

Emoluments: Rs. 36,000/- per month + 30% HRA

Position: Junior Research Fellow


  1. M.Sc. Life Sciences or any life sciences related subjects. 55% marks in the last exam is required.
  2. NET (JRF&/LS) qualified candidates will be preferred.
  3. At least 02 years experience in molecular biology, biochemical and mammalian cell culture techniques.

Emoluments: Rs. 24,000/- per month + 30% HRA

How to Apply: The application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth/age, photo, address, essential/technical/professional qualification, experiences, research work, list of published papers, should reach the undersigned, Cancer Biology laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067,

Deadline: on or before 11th February, 2017.

Prof. Rana P. Singh
104, Cancer Biology Laboratory
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110067

Position 3:


Applications are invited for the following posts in the DBT Project entitled “Contribution of dysregulated micro RNA in pathogenesis of Inflamatory Bowel disease” funded by the DBT New Delhi.

Position: JRF

Salary : Rs. 25000.00 +HRA


  1. M.Sc. in any field of Life Sciences.
  2. Experience in molecular Biology and Experience in immunology and molecular genetics would be preferred and 01 year Research experience

Desirable Qualifications: Qualified National Eligibility Test (CSIR / UGC / ICMR).

How to Apply: The application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth/age, address, essential / technical / professional qualifications, experiences, research work, should reach the, undersigned (Dr. Jaishree Paul, Project Director), School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067,

Deadline:on or before 15th Feb. 2017.

Dr. Jaishree Paul

Position 4:

Applications are invited for the following purely temporary post in the DST project entitled “Investigations into cancer chemopreventive activities of the dietary flavonol fisetin.”

Position: Senior Research Fellow

Salary: Rs. 28,000/- + 30% HRA (1 Position)


  1. M.Sc. in Biological/ Life Sciences with 55% marks in the last exam.
  2. At least 02 years of research experience.
  3. Have a good academic record with NET/GATE qualification in the respective field.
  4. Experience in cancer biology field accompanied with experience on mammalian cell culture techniques.
  5. Independent planning and execution of experiment on timely basis.

How to Apply: The applications on plain paper with indicating name, date of birth/age, address, essential/ technical /professional qualifications, experience, research work, list of published books/articles should reach to the undersigned, Room No. 104, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067

Deadline: on or before 11th February, 2017.

Prof. Rana P. Singh,
Project Director and PI,
Room No. 104,
School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
Position 5:

School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Position: Research Associate

One RA position is available in J C Bose sponsored project on: “Genetic Manipulation of Siroheme Biosynthesis to Increase Nitrogen, Sulphur and Carbon use Efficiency of Plants”


  1. Ph.D in Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/Plant Physiology/Molecular Biology/Botany or allied sciences.
  1. Candidates who have submitted their thesis can also apply provided
  2. Have good track record with publications in peer reviewed journals.

Fellowship:- Rs 36000/- consolidated

How to Apply: The hard copy of the applications along with the copy of bio data and prior publication should reach to Professor B. C. Tripathy, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, INDIA.
Professor B. C. Tripathy
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

Position 6:

School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University


Applications are invited for the vacant position in Indo-Israel (UGC funded) project entitled “Arginine sensing response in the human pathogen Leishmania.”

Position: Senior Research Fellow


  1. M.Sc. in Biological/ Life Sciences with good academic record
  2. Minimum 2 years of research experience with minimum one publication.
  3. Experience in animal tissue culture, handling Leishmania parasites, Leishmania research (biochemistry & genomics) is essential for the post.

How to Apply: Potential candidates are invited to apply on a plain paper with CV to the under mentioned by 7th February 2017.

Prof. R Madhubala
Room No.-331/326/429
School of Life Sciences
JNU, New Delhi- 100 067

Position 7:

Special Centre for Nanoscience
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Application were invited on plain paper for post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under project entitled “Development of nanobiochip for oral cancer detection” funded by Nanomission, DST, under the guidance of Dr. Pratima R. Solanki


  1. M.Sc/M.Tech in Biology/Physics/Chemistry/Nanotechnology/Material Science with NET/GATE qualification or M. Tech in respective field.
  2. Candidate should have experience on nanomaterials/biosensor

Salary: Rs. 25,000 + HRA

How to Apply: The application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth / age, address, essential / technical / professional qualifications, experiences, research work, list of published books / articles should reach the Principal Investigator, Special Centre for Nanoscience, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 on or before 10 Feb 2017.

Dr. Pratima R. Solanki
(Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor
Special Centre for Nanoscience
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Further Information Regarding the Positons

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