KTH Royal Institute of Technology: 29 Doctoral positions 13601 views

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Position 1: Doctoral student within the research field of Blue Food

School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 2: Doctoral students in Secure Reconfigurable Hardware

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS

Application deadline: 2021-09-20

Position 3: Doctoral student in analysis and probability

School of Engineering Sciences at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-08

Position 4: Doctoral student in space plasma physics: ionospheric sounding rockets

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-07

Position 5: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Ergonomics

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry,Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 6: Doctoral student in next-generation targeted biotherapeutics

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-20

Position 7: Doctoral student in molecular programming

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry,Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-28

Position 8: Doctoral student, redox flow batteries for stationary energy storage

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 9: Doctoral students in machine learning and computational neuroscience

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 10: Doktorand inom Spatial Biology

School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-22

Position 11: Doctoral student in Systems biology of liver diseases

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-20

Position 12: Doctoral student (Licentiate) in Building Technology

School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 13: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Bridge engineering

School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-23

Position 14: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Micromobility

School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 15: Doctoral student functionalized nanocellulose for waterborne NIPU

School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 16: Doctoral student (licentiate) in soil and rock mechanics (piling)

School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 17: Doctoral students in Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 18: Doctoral student in in strong shock implosion

School of Engineering Sciences at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-15

Position 19: Doctoral student in fluid mechanics and liquid-infused surfaces

School of Engineering Sciences at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 20: Doctoral student in theoretical condensed matter physics

School of Engineering Sciences at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-20

Position 21: Doctoral student in quantum photonics

School of Engineering Sciences at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-30

Position 22: Doctoral student in machine learning of real-time systems

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-01

Position 23: Doctoral student in Information theory stochastic decision problems

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-07

Position 24: Doctoral student in Machine Learning for Smart Grids

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-07

Position 25: Doctoral student in machine learning models for speech and animation

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-20

Position 26: Doctoral student in Multimodal ML for Human-Robot Interaction

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-15

Position 27: Doctoral student in trustworthy machine learning for cyber-physical systems

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-11

Position 28: Doctoral student in deep learning with vision transformers

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-10-04

Position 29: Doctoral student in algorithms & architectures for high-performance ML

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH

Application deadline: 2021-09-29

————–Quick Overview————-
Organization KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Country Sweden
Subject areas Engineering, Biotechnology, Life Science, Information Technology
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Degree in relevant subject
Deadline Varies

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