Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA-IF): 175 Hosting offers for Postdocs 4383 views

The Complutense University of Madri Complutense at the University of Madrid (Spain) is looking for talented and ambitious postdocs who want to apply for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF). MSCA Individual Fellowships intend to help postdoctoral researchers launch successful academic careers. Enjoying an MSCA fellowship at Complutense University (UCM) will allow the candidate to gain research experience, develop research independence and maturity, improve professional skills and make grow your international profile and network.

Fellowship value: gross salary of about € 50,000


  • The fellows carry out their own research projects in collaboration with a host institution, which is indicated at the time of their application.
  • Researchers of all ages, nationalities, and scientific disciplines can apply.
  • Individual Fellowships provide an extremely enriching experience, that enhances the career perspectives for researchers by developing new scientific competencies and gaining international and collaborative research experience.

How to apply:

Apply online

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationComplutense University of Madrid
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasNatural Science
Fellowship amountAs per MSCA norms
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline12 October 2021

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