MENA Scholarship Program (MSP): For Developing countries 6399 views

MENA Scholarship Program (MSP) by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The MSP Program offers scholarships to professionals for short courses in the Netherlands.

Objectives of the Program:

  1. The overall aim of the MSP is to contribute to the democratic transition in the participating countries.
  2. To develop building capacity within organizations by enabling employees to take part in short courses in the Netherlands.
  3. The scholarship is awarded to individuals, all candidates must be nominated by their employer to be able to participate.

Eligibility Group

The MSP program is open to professionals who are nationals and living and working in following countries listed below:

  1. Algeria
  2. Egypt
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Jordan
  6. Libya
  7. Lebanon
  8. Morocco
  9. Syria *
  10. Tunisia

* MSP is not currently open to professionals applying from Syria. Applicants with the Syrian nationality may apply if they are residing and working in one of the other MSP countries listed.

Application Procedure:

  1. Application for the MSP takes place via Dutch institutions.
  2. Each deadline, these institutions provide a list of courses available for that deadline.
  3. The short courses on offer fall within several fields of study, and have a duration of two (02) to twelve (12) weeks.

When an MSP deadline opens, the course list is published on this website.

Before you decide to apply, make sure to do these 2 things:

  1. Review the eligibility criteria carefully.
  2. Check whether your employer is willing to nominate you for the scholarship.

Steps to apply:

  1. Selection of the course on the MSP course list
  2. Contact the Dutch institution that is offering the course for information on:
  • course content
  • application deadline (deadlines can differ per Dutch institution)
  • application and selection procedures
  • online application form and the supporting documents
  1. Prepare your application and the supporting documents
  2. Submit your online application via the Dutch institution offering the course

MENA Scholarship Program Selection procedure

  1. If your application meets all the course admission requirements and the MSP eligibility criteria, you can be nominated by the Dutch institution for a scholarship.
  2. The Dutch institution will inform you about the outcome of your selection.
  3. The scholarships are awarded in a competitive selection to highly motivated professionals who are in a position to introduce the newly-acquired skills and knowledge into their employing organization.

Note: For any further questions concerning the MSP application and selection procedures, please contact the Dutch institution offering the course directly.


The MSP program is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMENA Scholarship Program (MSP), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Fellowship LevelShort courses
Subject areasAll Disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals



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