Molecular Microbiology: Faculty Positions 1280 views

Assistant Professor Positions in Molecular Microbiology: Bacterial chromosome replication during stress survival, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

The positions are for 2-year (assistant professor) available in BASP, the Danish National Research Foundations Centre for Bacterial Stress Response and Persistence.  The open positions are in the lab of Anders Løbner-Olesen. The projects will be carried out in close collaboration with the other BASP research groups.


  • Applicants must hold a PhD-degree.
  • Applicants must also have extensive post-doctoral experience within the area of bacterial growth physiology or bacterial biochemistry/genetics.
  • Applicants must have experience from independent research in the field of molecular microbiology and an applicant who has made documented contributions to the field of bacterial chromosome replication will be preferred.
  • Applicants would be expected to have experience with single cell analysis using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry (FCM), fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS),
  • Applicants must have documented experience of conducting global analysis of microbial populations using quantitative PCR (qPCR), microarray and high-throughput sequencing technology.
  • Applicants must have excellent English (written and spoken) proficiency.


Applications must be in English, and must include:

  • Motivation Letter (description of project-related research experience; not more than 2 pages).
  • CV including education, previous employments, teaching experience, and other skills relevant for the position (not more than 2 pages).
  • List of publications
  • Copy of master and PhD diploma.
  • 1-2 references with full contact details.
  • Letters of recommendation (may be included).


  • up to DKK 408,730 with annual supplement (pension up to DKK 69,893)
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Copenhagen
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasLife Sciences, Biology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline7 August 2016

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