Multiple PhD Grants: Institut Curie IC-3i 1209 views

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COFUND DOCTORAL PROGRAM: Institut Curie (Institut Curie IC-3i, France) is recruiting PhD students through its international program called IC-3i PhD program.

This program provides PhD students with a 3-year fellowship, a high level interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training with dedicated career development plans, secondments and mentoring.

The IC-3i international Phd Program is a PhD fellowship program partly funded by the European Commission under the Cofund scheme of Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.The aim is to recruit motivated students for PhD projects who will be starting their PhD in October 2016 at Institut Curie bringing together a world-class multidisciplinary cancer research center and a model hospital.

PhD research projects in life sciences cover Institut Curie’s main research domains:

Institut Curie brings together a world-class multidisciplinary cancer research center and a model hospital group in Paris and surroundings. By embracing cross-disciplinary approaches, it drives the discovery of more effective treatments and leads to improved patient care.

:Eligibility criteria

– must not have lived or worked in France for more than 12 months during the past 3 years prior to February 4th 2016,
– must have a Master’s degree (or be about to obtain one) or have a university degree equivalent to a European Master’s (5-year duration),
– must have obtained this degree no more than 2 years ago.

Applicants will have to complete an online application form in English in time via the web-based application portal.

Deadline for applications: February 5th, 2017

Quick Overview:

OrganizationInstitut Curie
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasBiology & Chemistry of Radiations, Cell Signaling & Cancer; Development, Cancer, Genetics & Epigenetics; Integrative Tumour Biology, Immunology & Environment and Multiscale Physics-Biology-Chemistry & Cancer
EnumerationsNot mentioned
DeadlineFebruary 10th 2019

Further link: click here

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