National Institute of Genetics (NIG)is enrolling postdoctoral research fellows, aiming at further development of research at NIG and nurturing young researchers with excellent research ability by allowing them engage in research activities at our institute for a limited amount of time.


  • Those who have received PhD degree (or equivalent) or are expected to receive it by the time of employment.
  • Applicant with sufficient research skills to promote research projects of genetics.
  • Applicants working with a research group in NIG for more than a year prior to the desired start date are not eligible to apply for the same research group.


  • 3 years from the initial date of employment (Agreement shall be renewed each fiscal year)
  • Start date: 1st April 2017, (subjected to change between November 2016 to October 2017, if requested).


  • Successful contenders will be employed as project researchers.
  • They are eligible to apply for competitive funds called Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).


  • Annual salary approx. 4,100,000JPY including tax.
  • Commuting allowance, health insurance, compensation insurance and employment insurance will be covered.

Number of Positions: About 4

Application Procedure:

  • Applications to be submitted in PDF files; sent via e-mail after consulting with prospective PI about your research project.
  • Application Documents to be Submitted:
  • CV, Name of Prospective Laboartory, Desired Starting Date
  • 1 page Summary of Past Research
  • List of Publications, Presentations and Achievements
  • Research Plan at NIG (max 5 pages)
  • Reference from Supervisor: Reference letter must be sent directly to NIG by the supervisor
  • Reference from Host PI: direct submission to NIG
  • Applicants are recommended to consult with their potential PI about their research project in advance. Host PI is required describe the compatibility between applicant’s research plan and research at his/her laboratory.
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization National Institute of Genetics
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Country Japan
Subject areas Life Sciences, Genetics, Biology
Fellowship amount 4,100,000JPY
Eligibility Open for all nationalities
Deadline 11 July 2016

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