Neuro-Innovation 07 ESR Positions: University of Eastern Finland 1081 views

The University of Eastern Finland invites applications for seven Early-Stage Researcher (Doctoral Student) positions in the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofound DP project Neuro-Innovation: Research and innovation for brain health throughout life. Neuro-Innovation training is a novel effort at UEF to integrate the university’s world class neuroscience with top-level management, social, legal and computer science and applied physics. The full-time funded ESR positions begin 1 May 2022 at the latest.

Research areas:

  1. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Applied Physics
  2. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Innovation Management
  3. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Neuroscience (EPM1)
  4. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Neuroscience (Neural Networks)
  5. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Neuroscience (neurodegenerative diseases)
  6. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Neuroscience (Pathology of Epilepsy)
  7. MSCA-COFUND Early-Stage Researcher (PhD Candidate): Welfare Law
  • Applicant must hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) and a research thesis (or equivalent) in related relevant field specified for each position
  • Applicant should not hold a doctorate or PhD
  • Applicant should have less than 4 years of research experience after graduation (Master’s Degree or equivalent based on which you are applying for this position) by October 31st, 2021. In this context, the 4 years refer to a net period of time, which does not include maternity leaves, parental leaves or military service.
  • Applicant must possess excellent command of the English language is required
  • Mobility requirements for doctoral candidates: fulfil the mobility requirement of the MSCA actions, i.e. ESRs must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies) in Finland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before October 31st 15th, 2021. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not considered.


Apply online and application is required to include the following appendices:

  • Certified copies of BSc and MSc degree diplomas/certificates and copies of these relating to applicant’s language proficiency (if not indicated in the academic degree), transcripts of these records in English. If the proof of English language skills has not been demonstrated in an academic degree and the applicant has not taken the English language test, the English language skills will be assessed in the interview for the position.
  • curriculum vitae (CV) (see template and instructions)
  • Master’s thesis (in any language), electronic copy (in .zip file)
  • two-page summary of the Master’s thesis in English (in .pdf file)
  • motivation letter (max three pages) describing the applicant’s motivation to pursue PhD studies in the chosen research area and topic.
—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization University of Eastern Finland
Country Finland
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Subject areas Neuroscience, Social Science, Legal and Computer Science, Applied Physics
Fellowship amount As per MSCA
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline 31 October 2021
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