The British Council through Newton Bhabha Fund announces Researcher Links Workshop Grant 2020. Researcher Links this year is in collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.

About the program:
  • The programme is designed to promote international development- relevant research and professional development of early-career researchers.
  • The programme gives financial support to bring together a UK and India cohort of early career researchers in a workshop with a potential for long term sustainability.
  • Leading or Established Researchers can apply as Principal applicants. One applicant from India and one from the UK from Not-for-profit higher education institutions or publicly funded research organisations can jointly propose a theme.

DBT priority areas:

  • Agriculture and allied areas
  • Environment and Circular Bio-economy
  • Biotechnology-education: research/policy for accelerated development of the sector
  • Health
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in


  • Not‑for‑profit higher education institutions or publicly‑funded research organisations that have Leading or Established Researchers are eligible to apply as Lead institutions.
  • Leading or Established Researchers from above-mentioned category of institutions can apply to be Principal Applicants
  • Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK, and one from India.

How to apply:

Apply online

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationBritish Council

Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India

CountryUK, INDIA
Fellowship LevelGrants
Subject areasAgriculture, Environmental Science, Health Sciences, Computer Science, Biotechnology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to Indian and UK citizens
Deadline12 June 2020

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