Orange Tulip Scholarship Program (OTS): Nuffic 2931 views

Orange Tulip Scholarship Program (OTS) by the Nuffic, Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science, Netherlands.

The OTS gives talented students in several Neso countries the opportunity to study in the Netherlands. It is offered by higher education institutions, multinationals and government institutions.


The scholarships are managed and promoted by the Nesos (Netherlands Education Support Offices) in the participating countries.

Offered Courses: BachelorsMasters

Offered Scholarships

  1. Vrije University Of Amsterdam
  2. University of Amsterdam (Economics & Business)
  3. Radboud University
  4. Groningen University (Graduate School of Medical Sciences)
  5. Amsterdam  Business School – Amsterdam MBA
  6. Amsterdam University of Arts (DAS Theater Masters)
  7. Tilburg University
  8. Maastricht School of Management
  9. Saxion University Of Applied Science
  10. University of Groningen (Faculty Of Arts)
  11. Fontys University of Applied Sciences
  12. Breda University of Applied Sciences
  13. Institute of Housing and Urban Development (IHS)
  14. Rotterdam Business School
  15. HAN University of Applied Sciences
  16. Maastrict University (Faculty of Health Medicine Life science)
  17. Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  18. The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  19. Wittenborg University Of Applied Science
  20. Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
  21. Nyenrode Business Universiteit

Funding Details

The benefits / nominals offered by each university that have different OTS program. Although there are Dutch universities that offer a 100% (full) study fee, other colleges may only offer 50% reduction in study fees or only 25%. It is possible to offer only live expenses or visa fees, etc. Click the name of the university within the scheme that will open a special page with details of the scholarship value (in the table).

Application Procedure

The Orange Tulip Scholarship registration file ONLY needs to be submitted in softcopy:

  1. In Word or PDF form
  2. Each file is given a clear name in English: [document name] – [applicant’s name].
  3. Total attachment maximum 2MB
  4. Sent via e-mail to with subject e-mail: OTS 2020-2021 Application – [scheme] – [your name].
Quick Overview———————
OrganizationNuffic, Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science
LevelUndergraduate, Masters
Subject AreasSciences, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciwnces
Fellowship Amount
EligibilityOpen for non-EEA candidates

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