The Department of Biotechnology at Ghent University is offering opportunity for PhD student position within collaborative SBO project in the Project “SmartDetox – Removal of organic micropollutants from water”.
- Candidate must be motivated student with existing training and Master’s degree in Bio-Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Microbiology or related.
- Ability to develop and perform laboratory tests using axenic and mixed microbial cultures.
- Ability to perform in-depth and critical data analysis, using software packages like R, Github, Word, Excel.
- Experience in microbial/molecular techniques (second-generation sequencing and flow cytometry) and analytical tools (HPLC, GC)
- Working with gasses to control headspace compositions (oxygen/hydrogen) Personal knowledge and skills
- A strong interest in inter/multi-disciplinary applied science, particularly concerning the engineering and biological sciences
- Excellent interpersonal skills to work effectively with team members from different backgrounds and with different tasks.
- Good oral and written communication skills in English are strictly required (C1 level).
How to apply:
Applications must be sent via email to as pdf or word documents, with in the subject line mentioning “SBO- SmartDetox” including the following files:
- Covering Letter. The covering letter should include the position reference, contact address and telephone number (one page).
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae describing educational qualifications and professional affiliations that detail the full title of the qualification, the year awarded and the title of the institution attended; employment history; research fields and current interests, publications (full list as attachment with three most significant marked with an asterisk, also indicating impact factors and Quartiles according to Web of Science), research grants awarded.
- The names and contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) of three referees, including, if possible, a senior person (preferably your supervisor, manager or head of organisational unit) closely associated with candidate’s current work.
—————–Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | Ghent University |
Country | Belgium |
Fellowship Level | Doctoral |
Subject areas | Bio-Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Microbiology |
Fellowship amount | Varies |
Eligibility | Open to all nationalities |
Deadline | Sep 15, 2020 |
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