PhD position in Biotechnology at Ghent University 3335 views

The Department of Biotechnology at Ghent University is inviting application for a PhD position in the Project “MICRO4BIOGAS: Natural and Synthetic Microbial Communities for Sustainable Production of Optimised Biogas”.

About the project:
  • The aim of this research project is to develop novel methods and approaches to improve the anaerobic digestion microbiome following the principles of synthetic biology, allowing to move this technology beyond its current limits.
  • It’s a Full-time, fixed-term appointment for initially 1 year, yearly renewable after positive evaluation up to 4 years. Intended starting date: 1st of August.


  • Applicant must hold Master’s degree in Microbiology, Environmental Engineering, Bioscience Engineering or equivalent, completed before the start date of the position, with excellent grades.
  • Experience in the field of wastewater treatment, applied microbiology, microbial ecology, anaerobic digestion or fermentations will be greatly appreciated.
  • Knowledge of bio-process engineering and microbiology.
  • Hands on experience in microbial cultivation.
  • Ability to rigorously design experiments and to perform experiments under well-controlled conditions.
  • Ability to work with analytics, such as IC & GC, as well as experience with microbial analyses.
  • Ability to rigorously design and perform experiments in a result-oriented and thorough manner.
  • Ability to perform in-depth and critical data analysis.
  • Ability to communicate through high-quality scientific channels, e.g. WoS publications (A1).

How to apply:

Applications must be sent via email to as pdf or word documents, with in the subject line mentioning “MICRO4BIOGAS_PhD”. Application files must include the following:

  • Cover Letter.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae. A resume is a brief history of your employment and experience that covers the following areas: Educational qualifications and professional affiliations that detail the full title of the qualification, the year awarded and the title of the institution attended; Employment history in chronological order, starting with current position and specifying dates of employment, title of each position, name of employer, main duties or accountabilities and achievements; Research fields and current interests, publications (full list as attachment with three most significant marked with an asterisk, also indicating impact factors and Quartiles according to Web of Science), research grants awarded. The names and contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) of three referees, including if possible a senior person (preferably your supervisor, manager or head of organisational unit) closely associated with your current work. A referee must be able to comment on candidate’s work experience, skills and performance with respect to the selection criteria.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationGhent University
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Microbiology, Environmental Engineering, Bioscience Engineering

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineJun 20, 2021

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