PhD scholarship at University of Basel 1882 views

PhD scholarship at University of Basel: The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invited application from eligible highly motivated candidates for PhD scholarship in Development and application of new machine learning models for the quantitative prediction of biomolecular interactions. Basel is a city university (oldest university in Switzerland) with international flair (bordering France and Germany).

Positions: PhD scholarship

Principle investigators: Prof. Anatole von Lilienfeld , Department of Chemistry, University of Basel and Prof. Michael Nash , Department of Chemistry, University of Basel.

Educational qualifications: Interested and eligible candidates must have Post Graduate Degree in Physical Chemistry including materials, computer science, or physics with -Demonstrated writing skills having Interest in protein sequence-structure-function relationships, Quantum chemistry knowledge. Development of quantum or stat mech codes will be preferred.

Closing Date: please see the given link.

How to apply: Interested and eligible applicants may apply online mode through the given link by or before deadline with a letter of motivation, CV, qualifications, diplomas with transcripts and contact details of two referees.

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationThe Swiss Nanoscience Institute
PositionPhD scholarship
Country  Switzerland
Subject areasPhysical Chemistry, Materials, Computer Science, Physics
Fellowship As per norms
EligibilityMaster Degree in related subjects.
DeadlineSee the given link

For more information: For detailed announcement and instructions for submission of application, eligibility requirements, other terms and conditions, please visit the link given below.


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