PhD Scholarships and Awards: University of Liverpool

PhD scholarships and awards

The University offers a range of PhD scholarships and awards to home and international students. The list below outlines the various awards, eligibility criteria, award amounts and application details.

Research Themes

  1. Eensure social justice.

2.     Advanced materials

3.     Infectious diseases

4.     Personalised health

5.     Heritage

6.     Digital

7.     Starting well, living well, ageing well

Our three world-class Faculties have joined the forces of over 150 research staff

Research Groups

  1. Academic Medical Oncology
  2. Accelerator Physics
  3. Acoustics Research Unit
  4. Addiction
  5. Advancement in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis (CARES)
  6. Algebraic Geometry
  7. Algorithms
  8. Ancient Economies
  9. Ancient Religions
  10. Animal Health and Welfare
  11. Appetite and Obesity
  12. Archaeology of Human Origins
  13. Architectural and Urban History
  14. Archive Studies
  15. Artificial Intelligence
  16. Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunity
  17. Bioethics and empirical ethics
  18. BioMEMS, Organic and Silicon Electronics
  19. Brain Infections Group
  20. Centre for Architecture and the Visual Arts
  21. Centre for Autonomous Systems (CAST)
  22. Centre for Drug Safety Science
  23. Centre for Entrepreneurship
  24. Centre for Genomic Research
  25. Centre for New and International Writing
  26. Centre for Research into Reading, Literature and Society (CRILS)
  27. Centre for Supply Chain Research
  28. Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Health, Medicine and Technology
  29. Centre for the Study of International Slavery
  30. Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Food Systems
  31. Centre of Excellence in Infectious Diseases Research
  32. Charity Law and Policy
  33. Chronic Lymphoproliferative Disorders
  34. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
  35. Clinical Studies in Eye Health and Disease
  36. Condensed Matter Physics
  37. Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law
  38. Cultures of Political Counsel
  39. Deformation and Microstructures
  40. Dynamical Systems
  41. Dynamics and Management of Host Microbe Interactions
  42. Earthquake Seismology and Geodynamics
  43. Ecology and Marine Biology
  44. Econometrics and Big Data
  45. Egyptology
  46. Eighteenth-Century Worlds
  47. Energy and Catalysis
  48. Environment and Health
  49. Environment, sustainability and technology in Architecture
  50. Environmental Change
  51. Epidemiology and Population Health
  52. Epilepsy Research
  53. EU Law@Liverpool
  54. Europe and The World Centre
  55. European Children’s Rights Unit
  56. Evolutionary Biomechanics Research Group
  57. Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
  58. Fit for Work Research Group
  59. Forensic and Investigative Psychology
  60. Functional Interfaces
  61. Gastrointestinal Infections Group
  62. Genomes to Biological Systems
  63. Geomagnetism
  64. Gynaecological Cancer
  65. Haemato-oncology
  66. Harris Wellbeing Preterm Birth Centre
  67. Head and Neck Cancer
  68. Health Law and Regulation Unit
  69. Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice
  70. High Frequency Engineering
  71. IMPACT – International Health Impact Assessment Consortium
  72. Infection Pharmacology
  73. Institute for Risk and Uncertainty
  74. Institute of Popular Music
  75. International Criminological Research Unit
  76. International Law and Human Rights Unit
  77. Kissileff Laboratory For the Study of Human Ingestive Behaviour
  78. Leverhulme Research Centre in Functional Material Design
  79. Literature and Science Hub
  80. Literature of the Roman Empire
  81. Liverpool Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  82. Liverpool Economic Governance Unit
  83. Liverpool Health Inequalities Research Institute
  84. Liverpool Magnetic Resonance Imaging Centre (LiMRIC)
  85. Liverpool Obesity Research Network
  86. Liverpool Reviews and Implementation Group
  87. Liverpool University Climate and Infectious Diseases of Animals (LUCINDA)
  88. Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain
  89. Lung Cancer
  90. Mass Spectrometry Group
  91. Materials Chemistry
  92. Mathematical Biology
  93. Medical Oncology
  94. Medicinal and Bio-nano Chemistry
  95. Medicinal Chemistry
  96. Mediterranean Archaeology
  97. Mental Health and Neuroscience Research
  98. Mental health in context
  99. Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology
  100. Molecular Biology and Mechanisms of Disease
  101. Molecular Virology
  102. MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science
  103. Multivariate data modelling
  104. Near Eastern Neolithic Studies
  105. Networks Sciences and Technologies (NeST)
  106. Neuronal Signalling
  107. Neuropharmacology
  108. Neuroscience Group
  109. Nuclear Physics
  110. Nuclear Science & Technology Applied Research (N-STAR)
  111. Oceans & Climate
  112. Ocular Oncology
  113. Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures
  114. Oral Health and Healthcare Services
  115. Pain Research Institute
  116. Palliative Care Group
  117. Pancreas Cancer
  118. Particle Physics
  119. Pharmacogenetics
  120. Planning, Environmental Assessment and Management
  121. Population and Spatial Analysis
  122. Prostate Cancer
  123. Psychology of Healthcare
  124. Publics & Practices
  125. Pure Mathematics
  126. Re-thinking the Iberian Atlantic
  127. Receptions
  128. Research Design Service
  129. Researching Complex Health, Technology and Contract Management Interventions in Health Services
  130. Sedimentary Geology
  131. Sepsis
  132. Signal Processing and Autonomous Systems
  133. Singularity Theory
  134. Small Animal Infectious Diseases
  135. Social determinants and health inequalities
  136. Social Science in Health and Medicine Research Collaborative
  137. Socio-Economic Factors in Health, Illness and Wellbeing
  138. Solid State Electronics
  139. Spatial Planning and Impact Assessment
  140. Stochastics
  141. String and Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology
  142. Technological Plasmas
  143. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  144. Veterinary Parasitology
  145. Viral Pathogenesis
  146. Volcanology
  147. Waves and Solid Mechanics
  148. WHO Collaborating Centre for Policy Research on Social Determinants of Health
  149. Wirral Child Health and Development Study: First Steps
  150. Zoonoses
  151. Zoonotic Infections in Pigs and Poultry

General Awards

  1. Duncan Norman Research Scholarship
  2. John Lennon Memorial Scholarship
  3. Sir Joseph Rotblat Alumni Scholarship
  4. Sport Liverpool Scholarship

Country Specific Awards

  1. Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF)
  2. CONACYT Awards
  3. FIDERH Award
  4. Fulbright Award
  5. FUNED Awards
  6. Liverpool China Scholarship Council (CSC) Award
  7. Marshall Scholarships
  8. Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam Research Awards
  9. University of Liverpool Hong Kong Graduate Association Scholarships
  10. Tung Doctoral Scholarship
  11. Yu Postgraduate Scholarship

Subject Specific Awards

  • Institute of Irish Studies MPhil/PhD Scholarship
  • International Postgraduate Research Studentship

Application Procedure

  1. Research degree applications can be made online.
  2. Candidates need to ensure that you have funding to cover all fees.

Applications are open all year round.

Quick Overview—————
OrganizationUniversity of Liverpool
Fellowship LevelPhD / MPhil
Country     UK
Subject AreasSubjects offered by the University
Fellowship AmountFull Funding
EligibilityOpen for non-EU international students
DeadlineOpen all year round

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