Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST) invite applications for Post-Doctoral Research Fellows for February-2019 Session. The selected fellows will work in interdisciplinary major projects with faculty of INST.

Research areas:
  • Nano Science and Technology viz., Drug delivery, Sensors, Energy, Agriculture, Water Purification, Scanning Probe Microscopy, High Resolution Electron Microscopy, Smart Materials, Devices, Microfluidics, Industrial and Societal Technologies).


  • Applicants must hold a PhD degree in Science/Engineering or have submitted the PhD thesis in Science/ Engineering.
  • Proven research competence in the relevant areas.
  • Applicant must have a very good academic record and have evident capabilities of becoming independent investigators in future.
  • Applicant must not exceed 35 years as on 01.02.2019 (relaxation of 5 years for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women and 3 years for OBC category).

Fellowship value: monthly stipend of Rs.45,000/-; contingency grant Rs. 40,000/- per annum. Candidates who have submitted the Ph.D. thesis but are yet to be awarded the PhD degree, if selected, will be paid Rs. 25,000/- per month till the award of the degree.

Duration: 3 years


  • Application Fees: Rs. 450/- for General/ OBC or Rs. 150/- for SC/ ST/ PH in form of Demand Draft from any nationalized bank drawn in favor of “Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali” (payable at Mohali/ Chandigarh).

Application Procedure

  • The application form and synopsis can be downloaded from Institute website. The duly filled APPLICATION FORM and online SYNOPSIS should be sent on as advance copy.
  • The hard copy of application with the following documents should be sent to “The Director, Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Habitat Centre, Phase – 10, Sector – 64, Mohali, Punjab-160062”:
  • Photograph duly pasted on the application form.
  • Application fees.
  • Self-Attested copies of Certificate in support of age, educational qualifications (mark sheet & Certificates of class X and above).
  • One page Synopsis of PhD thesis and 3 page write up of research proposed to be taken up.
  • Experience certificate in case of working candidate.
  • Self-attested a copy in support of SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH category.
  • The envelope must contain the application form quoting “Application for the Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Program – February 2020”.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInstitute of Nano Science and Technology (INST)
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasScience/Engineering, Nanotechnology
Fellowship amountRs.45,000/- per month
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals
Deadline25th October 2019

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