Postdoc, PhD and Scientist: Nano Bio Spectroscopy Group 5321 views

Positions (Postdoc, PhD and Scientist) at the Nano Bio Spectroscopy Group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre, Spain


The Nano bio Spectroscopy Group and the local node of the ETSF invites applications for three postdoc positions and two PhD positions, alongwith one scientist on code development and user projects activities.

The research projects will directly address fundamental problems related to the characterization of the electronic properties of complex systems. Topics to be addressed are:

  1. Theoretical description of charge transport in molecular systems.
  2. Quantum dots and nanotubes for quantum information applications.
  3. Nanostructured materials for photovoltaic devices.
  4. Postdoc position on applications to complex systems with biological interest:

Research Theme: Light emission by the chromophore.

Other Groups Involved

  1. NANOQUANTA network of Excellence
  2. European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF)
  3. NANOQUANTA; NANO-ERA Chemistry, Grupos Consolidados del Gobierno Vasco and Spanish MEC (Frontier Applications of Theoretical Spectroscopy: Nanostructures and Complex Systems).

Requirements / Qualifications

  1. Postdoctoral position: must have, or expect to obtain before the start of the work, a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline,
  2. PhD Position: a master or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline is required. 

General Requirements

  1. A strong background in theoretical condensed matter science, chemistry or biology and experience with electronic structure methods are essential, and a knowledge of bio-materials or biophysics is desirable.
  2. Good knowledge and experience with DFT as well as in the development and implementation of numerical approaches are highly appreciated.

Application Procedure

Applications are open, until the positions are filled. Please send your application (either by e-mail or postal mail) to:

Dr. Angel Rubio
European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF),
Dpto. Física de Materiales UPV/EHU,
Edificio Jose Mari Korta,
Avd Tolosa 71, 20018 San Sebastian. SPAIN


Type of appointment: contract as visiting research professor (for the postdoctoral position). The appointment is for two (02) years with a possibility of extension.

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNano Bio Spectroscopy Group,

ETSF Scientific Development Centre

Fellowship LevelDoctoral, Postdoctoral, Scientist
Subject areasPhysics, Chemistry, and Materials Science
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineNot mentioned

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