Postdoc position: Biological Nanoparticle Analysis 1479 views

Chalmers University of Technology is offering a 12 month postdoctoral position in the research group of Assoc. Prof. Elin Esbjörner at the Chemical Biology division in work related to Biological Nanoparticle Analysis.

About the position:
  • The postdoc will apply state-of-the-art nanofluidic tools to characterise extracellular vesicles (EVs) with high precision on the single particle level contributing to a project aiming to i explore their physiological role(s) and potential use as future drug delivery carriers, especially targeting new therapeutic modalities such as oligonucleotides and RNA.
  • The announced position is a 100% research post.
  • The major responsibility of the postdoc is to setup and carry out own research projects in the Esbjörner research group, focusing on single EV analytics using nanofluidic devices and fluorescent microscopies.
  • The postdoc will also harvest EVs from cultured human cells and explore EV-cell interactions using confocal microscopy and live cell imaging.
  • The postdoc will work in a highly collaborative environment, participating in as well as leading team projects involving other group members as well as Chalmers internal and external academic collaborators.
  • Full-time temporary employment.
  • The position is limited to a maximum of one year.


  • Applicant must have a PhD in Biotechnology, Biochemistry or related subject; the degree should generally not be older than three years.
  • Applicant must also have documented experience of working with biological nanoparticles (such as EVs, exosomes, viruses or similar), good knowledge of fluorescence microscopy, and basic experience of culturing human cells.
  • Applicant must have experience from using Matlab, similar programming software or language, and documented skills in written and oral communication (exemplified by at least one first author publication and oral presentations at conferences).
  • Good communication skills in English are a requirement.
  • Experience of immunohistochemistry, optical spectroscopy, and single molecule techniques is a merit.


Apply online and the application should be marked with Ref 20200202 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:

  • CV including list of technical skills (with level of experience) and publication, previous teaching and pedagogical experiences, two references that we can contact.
  • Personal letter (Maximum 2 pages) describing previous research experience and motivation why the candidate is interested in the post.
  • Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationChalmers University of Technology
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasBiotechnology, Biochemistry
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline15 May 2020

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