Postdoctoral fellow: Nanoscale and Quantum Thermodynamic theory 968 views

The Department of Physics, div. Mathematical Physics at Lund University is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position in Nanoscale and Quantum Thermodynamic theory.

About the research:
  • The research will be based on the project “Information-to-work conversion from classical to quantum – a nanoscale electronic demon in double quantum dots”, supported by the Foundational Questions Institute under the call “Information as Fuel”.
  • The postdoc is expected to carry out theoretical research on stochastic and quantum thermodynamics in nanoscale systems.
  • A large part of the work will be carried out by employing advanced, analytical methods for a statistical description of thermodynamical and quantum transport properties, such as semi-classical stochastic path integrals, and quantum master equations adapted to full counting statistics of work, heat, and entropy production.
  • The analytical calculations will be complemented with numerical simulations.


  • Applicant must have completed his/her doctoral degree, or foreign degree, which is deemed to correspond to the doctoral degree, within the subject area of ​​the employment and which was completed no more than three years before the end of the application period. If there are special reasons, the doctoral degree may have been completed earlier.
  • Very good knowledge in English and familiarity with advanced theoretical methods of statistical physics and quantum mechanics are mandatory.
  • Documented experience on topics as stochastic and quantum thermodynamics, fluctuations and statistics in nanoscale and/or quantum dynamics and out-of-equilibrium properties in quantum transport at the nanoscale are considered as important merits.

How to Apply:

Applications to be submitted online (in English) and be compiled into a PDF-file containing:

  • Résumé/CV, including a list of publications,
  • A general description of past research and future research interests (no more than three pages),
  • Contact information of at least two references,
  • Copy of the doctoral degree certificate, and other certificates/grades that candidate wish to be considered.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationLund University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasPhysics, Mathematics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline31 March 2020

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