Postdoctoral Scientist: Structural Studies 1288 views

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology has opening for a Postdoctoral Scientist in Structural Studies. The position is available in Dr Venki Ramakrishnan’s lab (LMB 1546).

  • To undertake research aimed at structural studies on translation.
  • To identify, develop and apply a broad range of techniques to pursue the research objectives.
  • To collaborate as necessary with others both in the group and outside to advance projects.
  • To present scientific work at seminars within the Laboratory and at external meetings.
  • To contribute to Laboratory-wide discussions on developments within the field.
  • To draft scientific papers, and contribute to the overall preparation of research for publication.
  • To contribute to the LMB’s mission in the public engagement of science, and the translation of research findings into improvements in health care.
  • To assist in the training of PhD Students and other members of the LMB, and collegially share techniques and findings.


  • Applicant should PhD in a relevant subject or due to complete PhD within 6 months.
  • Experience of and ability to perform techniques relevant to the project. Particularly useful would be:
  • Experience of standard biochemical techniques including expression and purification of molecular complexes.
  • Experience in structural methods such as crystallography or cryoelectron microscopy.
  • Experience with high-resolution structure determination of RNA-protein complexes or ribosome complexes using x-ray crystallography and/or cryoelectron microscopy.

How to apply:

Apply online

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB)
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasMolecular Biology, Life Science
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities

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