Professor in Mathematics at Aalto University, Finland 1228 views

Professor in Mathematics (Assistant or Associate) position is vacant at Aalto University.

About the Job:

The Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis at University’s major research areas include: analysis, discrete mathematics, numerical analysis and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, systems and operations research.

Professor in Mathematics; Eligibility and Qualifications:

  • Candidates having knowledge in operations research and statistics are encouraged to apply.
  • PhD degree in Mathematics or in a closely related discipline is required.
  • There is a prospect to advance in tenure track through consistent performance assessments, which consider merits in research, teaching and impact within and outside the university environment as well as international alliance.

How to apply:

  • The application documents for the tenure track position should include the following in one single *pdf file: Cover letter, CV (should including contact information), Summary of research merits and most important achievements, List of publications (with the 10 most significant publications highlighted), research statement describing the applicant’s past research and plans for future research and Contact information of referees.
  • The application must be submitted in English.
  • The applications for the position should be addressed to the President of Aalto University and submitted through the eRecruitment system.


  • The shortlisted candidates will be asked to prepare a teaching portfolio according to Aalto University instructions.
  • University has full rights reserved for acceptable reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not applied during the application period.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationAalto University
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasMathematics
Fellowship amountWill be discussed at the time of interview
Deadline31st May 2016

For more information, contact Prof. Juha Kinnunen, e-mail:


For Further Details: Click


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