RUSA Postdoctoral fellowships (PDF) at Utkal University 2604 views

The Utkal University with assistances from Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), World Bank, University Grants Commission and Government of India for enriching quality and excellence in higher education has an active Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) program under RUSA to enable highly motivated young researchers for pursuing cutting-edge research leading to innovative teaching pedagogy and knowledge production. Highly self-motivated and committed potential young researchers to avail PDF.

  • Candidate should be normally below 35 years of age. However, for persons from teaching institutions recognized by AICTE / UGC or persons sponsored by recognized industrial organizations / women candidates, the maximum age limit shall be 40 years.
  • Transgender candidates are encouraged to apply under the scheme.
  • Candidate should have a PhD degree in the last three years and has at least two publications in either Scopus or Web of Science Indexed Journals / one patents to her / his credit.
  • Fellowship should be available to Indian as well as Foreign Nationals

Duration: 03 years, renewable on yearly basis

Fellowship value:

  • fixed monthly fellowship of `1,00,000 (Rupees one lakh) only
  • Yearly lapsable contingency amount of `60,000 (Rupees sixty thousand) only on production of valid bills.
  • The fellow shall be eligible, on the recommendation of RUSA-REC, to reimburse the expenses [limited to `1,00,000 (Rupees one lakh) only] of one round-trip international travel (economy class airfare) and other expenses for presenting a research paper in an international seminar / conference organized by a reputed University / research institute /professional body in the entire tenure of the fellowship.


Fill up the online application form for the PDF and the application shall comprise of:

  • Duly filled Application Form
  • A covering letter that mentions the specific research area they would like to be considered
  • A detailed academic CV, list of publications and Names of three academic referees
  • A statement of Research Interests / Statement of purpose (around 1500 words)
  • A detailed proposal (within 5000 words) including an abstract (500 words).
  • Soft copy of reprints of three best research publications.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUtkal University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amount1,00,000/month
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline20 September 2019

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