Scientific Software Engineer/Computational Scientist 1682 views

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and Center for Systems Biology invites applications for Scientific Software Engineer/Computational Scientist (f/m/d) to reinforce the team working on the open-source project OpenFPM, a transparent middleware for distributed parallel computing. The position is in the research group of Ivo Sbalzarini, who develops cutting-edge algorithms and methods for computer simulations and high-performance computing.

  • Applicants are expected to have a M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) or a PhD in Computer Science, Scientific Computing, Computational Science, or related areas.
  • Excellent C++ programming skills, including Template Meta Programming, and experience with numerical methods and their efficient implementation are required.
  • Experience in parallel programming with OpenMP, MPI, or CUDA is helpful. Proficiency with developer tools such as git, Github, Jenkins or Travis, automated test suits, etc. is an essential necessity.
  • Applicant must possess English language skills, both spoken and written, as the entire project is conducted in English and English is the working language at the institute.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Implementation of advanced numerical methods (e.g., DC-PSE, Adaptive Particle Representations, generalized Poisson solvers, non-equidistant Fourier transforms, high-dimensional polynomial interpolation, etc.) as reusable, tested, and documented modules in the OpenFPM framework.
  • Help extending the OpenFPM core to support the implemented extensions.
  • Benchmark the resulting codes for performance, parallel scalability, and numerical accuracy.
  • Writing the technical code documentation.
  • Applying the code to simulations in collaboration with groups from physics (Frank Jülicher + Carl Modes).

Starting date: April 1, 2019; full-time position

Duration: 3 years


  • Submit completed application by last date as a single pdf file via the online application system quoting Code 2019-OpenFPM with following documents:
  • CV
  • Description of previous accomplishments
  • Letter of motivation
  • Contact details of three referees
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and Center for Systems Biology
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasComputer Science, Scientific Computing, Computational Science
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineFebruary 1, 2019

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