Soon Young Kim Postdoctoral Fellowships: Harvard University 4128 views

The Soon Young Kim Post-Doctoral Fellowship is offered in Korean Studies at the Korea Institute for 2018-2019 academic year at Harvard University

Research areas:

  • all fields of study and time period
  • preference may be given to scholars working on Korean historical topics related to the following areas: business, science and technology, military, and the environment

Fellowship value:

  • The fellowship will cover up to a 12-month period between August 1, 2018 and July 31, 2019
  • stipend of $50,000
  • selected postdoc fellow will be provided an office and access to libraries and resources of Harvard University
  • selected fellow will be invited to participate in the academic life of the Korea Institute and appropriate academic department/s


  • Applicants must hold Doctoral degree within five years of the postdoctoral appointment year that is in 2012 or later.
  • The applicant who is offered a fellowship must have fully completed all requirements for the Ph.D. degree by July 1, 2017.


  • Applications to be sent either via email as single pdf file to or send the complete file via WE TRANSFER to
  • Quote KI SYK APP & Applicant Name in Subject line.
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization Harvard University
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Country USA
Subject areas All disciplines
Fellowship amount $50,000 stipend
Eligibility PhD
Deadline January 3, 2019

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