Systems Biology: 2 PhD Scholarships, DTU 1440 views

2 PhD scholarships are available in Fungal Genomics Driven Discovery and Synthetic Biology under the Department of Systems Biology. The department is dedicated to the exploitation of biodiversity as a source of new chemical pathways and compounds; and, through the understanding of cell biology and physiology, use systems and synthetic biology to design advanced cell factories.

Subject areas undertaken by department research groups are:mycology, molecular biology, analytical natural product chemistry, bioinformatics and fermentation technology.


  • Applicant must have master’s degree in engineering or a similar subject with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering.
  • Applicant must have good command of English
  • The research group work as a team and documentation of collaborative skills via recommendation letters will be advantageous
  • PhD student: applicant is required to hold a master’s degree in analytical chemistry/biochemistry/organic chemistry or another related field.
  • Applicant must have strong documentation skills within analytical chemistry. Experience with NMR-based structural elucidation of small molecules and bioinformatics will be added advantage.
  • PhD student 2: applicant is required to hold a master’s degree in molecular biology/biotechnology/biochemistry or another related field.
  • Applicant must have strong documentation for skills within fungal molecular biology and documentation skills within bioinformatics.

Approval and Enrolment

  • Scholarships for the doctoral degree are subjected to academic approval, and the candidates will be registered in one of the general degree program of DTU.


  • Valuation of the applicants will be made by Associate Professor Thomas O. Larsen and Professor Uffe H. Mortensen.

Duration: 3 years.

Application Contents:

  • Motivation letter (cover letter)
  • CV
  • Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma (an official translation into English)
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry

Fellowship amountAs per norms
EligibilityOpen for International applicants
Deadline22 June 2016

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