Tenure track in Wireless Communications 1945 views

Applications are invited for a tenure track position in the broad field of Wireless Communications. The focus of the candidates’ competence and research should fit to the field of Wireless Communications and Communications Engineering, understood in the broad sense. Related areas may also be considered. Also teaching oriented candidates can be considered and are thus applicable.

Based on the experience and competence, the successful candidate will be placed at the level of Assistant Professor (1st or 2nd term).

For more information on TUT’s tenure track career system, please refer to www.tut.fi/openpositions – Tenure track.

  • The successful candidate is expected to:
  • pursue and supervise scientific research
  • acquire external funding
  • conduct and develop education in the field
  • participate in the activities of the national and international scientific community
  • commit to the strategy of the Faculty and TUT.
  • interact with society and industry


  • All candidates considered for a tenure track position are expected to:
  • hold an applicable doctoral degree,
  • possess the teaching skills required for the successful performance of their duties; and
  • demonstrate the capacity for independent scholarly activity,
  • have the ability to collaborate in a multidisciplinary university environment and with industry.

For more information on the criteria for recruitment in each level of the tenure track, please refer to www.tut.fi/openpositions – Tenure track.

How To apply

Applications must be submitted through the University’s online employment system. The closing date for applications is 26 January 2017 (at 24.00 EET / 22.00 UTC). Applications and all accompanying documentation should be written in English.

Applications should include the following documents:

  • Resume and/or Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications (international referee publications, other publications, references to publications – please highlight the 10 most significant publications relevant to the position)
  • Teaching portfolio (assembled according to TUT’s instructions)
  • Research portfolio (assembled according to TUT’s instructions), including
  • Academic Leadership and Activity in Scientific Community portfolio (assembled according to TUT’s instructions)
  • Research plan (the research plan must specify the candidate’s vision for the future direction of his/her research field)
  • Significant publications and other works relevant to the position (max. 10).


  • If you have questions concerning the recruitment process, please contact HR Coordinator Miia Haikonen, email miia.haikonen(at)tut.fi.
  • Professor Mikko Valkama, email mikko.e.valkama(at)tut.fi can provide more information about the position, including the salary system.

Tampere University of Technology (TUT)

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