Thailand Scholarships for Master or PhD Degree : Ministry of Education in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET Univeristy  is pleased to announce Scholarships for Cambodian and Students from ASEAN Countries to pursue Master Degree or PhD in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Kingdom of Cambodia and has the
honour to inform the latter that the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education of Thailand, in cooperation with Thai Universities which are members of the ASEA-UNINET, wishes to invite nationals of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar to apply for the “Thailand Scholarships”.

Nubmer Of Fellowships: The programme will grant up to 22 scholarships to students and faculty members of higher education institutions or general public from the above countries to study Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree (International Programme) in Thailand.

Benefits: The scholarship covers tuition fees, living allowances, travel expense, allowance for textbooks, health and accident insurance and accommodation expenses for the awardces. Details information of the scholarships, programme offered and application form are enclosed herewith for the Ministry’s perusal.

How to Apply: In this connection, the Embassy wishes to request the Ministry’s kind cooperation in disseminating the information of the above – mentioned scholarships to all universities, academic institutions and the Cambodian authorities concerned at the earliest opportunity. Each applicants shall prepare 3 sets of application forms together with supporting documents (I original set and 2 copies) which arc to be submitted to the Royal Thai Embassy and to be sent electronically (via email) to the contact person of the selected universities as well as to the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education of Thailand ( not lather than 28 February.

Quick Overview-—————
OrganizationASEA-UNINET Univeristy
Fellowship LevelPhd / Masters / Postdoc
Subject areasAll Disciplines
Fellowship amountAs per University norms
EligibilityScholarships for Cambodian and Students from ASEAN Countries

Further Information about the Scholarships

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