Theoretical Physics: 2 Postdoc Fellowships; CERN 1405 views

Theoretical Physics has a postdoctoral position (only if you are not a national of a CERN member state). Job Reference: AFC-2017-NMSTH/FELL. The Non-Member State Fellowship Program in Theoretical Physics awards 2 postdoctoral fellowships every year. Duration of the fellowship is 2 years and can be extended to a third year (in some exceptional case).


  • Applicant must not be a citizen of a CERN Member State.
  • Applicant must have Doctorate in Theoretical Physics (or are about to finish thesis).
  • Applicant must have a maximum of 10 years of research experience after the degree which gives access to doctoral program (M.Sc. or equivalent).

Documents required

  • Electronic application form
  • CV
  • List of publications (if available)
  • Copy of the highest qualification
  • Short (not more than half page) description of motivation for coming to CERN.
  • Letters of recommendation (3) to give as broad as possible overview of applicant’s academic or professional achievements
  • Short description of research interests


  • Financial conditions: Fellows salaries are calculated individually- salaries are competitive and tax-free.
  • Leave: Fellows are entitled to 2.5 days paid leave per month.
  • Insurance: Fellows are covered by CERN’s comprehensive health scheme for themselves and their dependents.
  • Travel expenses: Fellows are entitled to travel expenses for themselves and their family (unless stipulated otherwise on their contract).
—————Quick Overview————-
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasPhysics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline15 October 2016

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