The TREASURE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (ITN) comprises a conglomerate of leading Universities and Research Centers in Europe, with allied partners from top European industry, as well as academia from as far afield as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong and the US.

TREASURE will provide coordinated multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary cutting-edge research that will address this through an integrated programme of academic and industrial training which will include introduction to real-life applications of high-accuracy GNSS positioning and relevant topics related to the different projects to be undertaken by the individual ESRs. The training will also include a comprehensive set of summer schools, workshops and secondments.

Following are project titles and Universities involved in TREASURE

  1. University of Nottingham, UK
  • ESR 7 Sept 2017: Ionospheric scintillation sensitive tracking models and mitigation tools
  • ESR8 Sept 2017: Real time PPP and RTK algorithm development
  1. Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • ESR5 Sept 2017: Carrier-based software receiver
  • ESR6 Sept 2017: Interference detection and mitigation
  1. National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology, Italy
  • ESR1 Jun 2017: TEC and Scintillation modelling and forecasting
  • ESR11 Sept 2017: ICT Technical Feasibility Study
  1. University of Bath, UK
  • ESR2 Jun 2017: Ionospheric Tomography and data assimilation
  • ESR3 Jun/2017: Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance (TID) Modelling and Mitigation
  1. Delft University of technology, The Netherlands
  • ESR4 Jun 2017: Tropospheric models
  1. Fugro Intersite, The Netherlands
  • ESR9 Sept 2017    Fast and reliable multi-GNSS PPP with integer ambiguity resolution
  1. Geo++GmbH, Germany
  • ESR10 Sept 2017: Improved high accuracy RTK positioning
  1. Noveltis SAS, France
  • ESR12 Sept 2017: Market introduction of the TREASURE conceptual prototype
  1. Deimos Engenharia SA, Portugal
  • ESR13 Jun 2017: Real Time provision of high accuracy orbits and clocks


  • Applicant must be within the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research career.
  • Applicant must not yet have been awarded a PhD degree
  • Applicant must carry out trans-national mobility and not have stayed or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) within the host country for more than a year in the three years immediately prior to recruitment.
  • Applicant must be eligible to enroll on a PhD programme at the host institution (or at a designated university if the host institution is not an academic organization).
—————Quick Overview————-

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (ITN)

Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Geophysics, Statistics, Modelling, Forecasting, Electronics, Signal Processing, Geodesy, Surveying, Mapping, Navigation, Imaging, Data Management, Data Assimilation, Geo-informatics, Remote Sensing, and Telecommunications

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline31 March 2017

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