Two Data Scientists: Behavioural Data Science Incubator (BDSI) 952 views

The Behavioural Data Science Incubator (BDSI) at University of Twente is looking for two data scientists to further the innovative research topics.

  • Candidate should be able to successfully support and advise researchers and students regarding data science at BMS.
  • Applicant must have excellent computing skills come either from a degree in computer science or are acquired with a background in the social sciences.
  • Applicant must be are well-versed in big data analytics and data mining with R and Python and have statistical knowledge.
  • Applicant must be able to work both autonomously and in multidisciplinary project teams.
  • Applicant must explore new solutions and translate research questions into great data analysis and visualisation.
  • Applicant must have interest in or affinity with the social/behavioural sciences, have a creative mindset, can convince others, like to collaborate in a team and have a service orientation.
  • Applicant must have skills in the following ‘front-end’ areas: visualisation, web scraping, working with and analysing sensor data, social network analysis, text analysis (NLP), and web development (Javascript, shiny); and ‘back-end’ areas: cloud computing (Azure, AWS), distributed/parallel processing (Spark, Hadoop), data base management, Docker and decision support systems.

How to apply:

  • Apply online
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Twente
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasComputer Sciences, Social Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline15th June, 2020

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