UCLAN: PhD (via MPhil) studentship in Psychology 1853 views

UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) invites applications for a full time PhD (via MPhil) studentship in the School of Psychology.

Duration: 3 years full-time (subject to satisfactory progress)

Studentship value:

  • cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates
  • partial maintenance grant of £3000/annum
  • International applicants may apply but will be required to pay the difference in tuition fees.
  • Start Date: 1st January 2017

Project Title: Child Sexual Exploitation


  • Applicant must hold or expected to hold a UK Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at 2:1 or above in a related discipline (or equivalent).
  • International applicants require an English Language level of UKVI IELTs 6.5 (no sub-score below 6.0) or equivalent qualification.

How to apply:

  • Completed application forms must be returned to the Research Student Registry through email at researchadmissions@uclan.ac.uk
  • Quote the studentship reference number (Reference ST-16-04) by the closing date.

Closing Date: 6 November 2016

Expected Interview Date: 30 November 2016

Note: Current UCLAN research students are not eligible to apply for this research studentship

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Central Lancashire
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasPsychology
Fellowship amountTuition-fees with other allowances
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline6 November 2016


Informal enquiries to be directed to Dr Carol Ireland at caireland@uclan.ac.uk

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