Unesco Global Education Monitoring (Gem) Fellowship Program 2126 views

Fully Funded Unesco Global Education Monitoring (Gem) Fellowship Program


UNESCO-Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship program, supported by OSI, aims to strengthen the evidence base on education, particularly in emerging economies, build research capacity in education, and reinforce the links between research, policy, and practice in education.

The Fellowship program will support academic researchers to carry out studies in the area of international and comparative education with a special focus on:

  1. utilizing the GEM Report’s data resources, notably those household and school surveys linked to the World Inequality in Education database, to strengthen analyses of global, regional and national education trends on issues of access, equity, inclusion and quality;
  2. supporting the themes of forthcoming GEM reports, i.e. inclusive education in 2020 (including a special focus on:

-Latin America and the role of non-state actors in education in 2021;

Conditions Eligibility

  1.  (selection committee will look favorably at applications from individuals from low and middle-income countries);
  2. Calls for proposals will be issued twice a year and published through all relevant UNESCO and partner networks;
  3. The GEM Report team will aim to host an average of three fellows per year in the team.


Each fellowship will last between six months to one year, depending on the work to be carried out, with one month spent in Paris. The GEM Report team will provide:

  1. A stipend (up to USD 25,000) for the duration of the fellowship (up to one year)
  2. Full travel costs for at least one month to be spent in Paris for each of the fellows;
  3. A mentor from the team of GEM Report researchers.

Application Procedure

Applicants will need to provide the following information:

  1. CV in UNESCO format;
  2. One page with brief project title, abstract (150 words), duration, budget;
  3. Project proposal (maximum 5 pages / 2500 words)
Quick Overview———
OrganizationUNESCO Global Education Monitoring
LevelAll levels
Subject areasMultiple disciplines
Salaryup to USD 25,000 + full travel costs
Deadline15 December 2020

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