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11 months ago
University of Ottawa: Master’s, Doctoral, Postdoc
Founded in 1848, the University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual French-English university in North America and plays a unique role in promoting Francophone issues in Canada.
Courses Offered
- Bachelor’s
- Certificate
- Doctorate
- Graduate diplomas
- Licentiate
- Major
- Master’s
- Minor
Disciplines offered
- dvanced Minor in English as a Second Language
- Advanced Minor in French as a Second Language
- African Studies Option (Coming soon)
- Animal Studies Option
- B.A. spécialisé bidisciplinaire en communication et lettres françaises
- B.A. spécialisé en lettres françaises
- B.A. spécialisé en lettres françaises et Baccalauréat en éducation
- B.Sc. spécialisé en sciences/Baccalauréat en éducation – Cycles intermédiaire/supérieur
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (Coming soon)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting
- Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Arts Administration Profile
- Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Composition Profile
- Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – General Profile
- Bachelor of Music (BMus) – Music Education Profile
- Bachelor of Music (BMus) – Musicology – Theory Profile
- Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Performance Profile
- Bachelor of Music/Honours Bachelor of Science with Major
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Second Entry Program
- Bachelor of Science with Double Minor
- Bachelor of Science with Major
- Bachelor of Science with Minor
- Bachelor of Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Social Sciences with double Minor
- Bachelor of Social Sciences with Major
- Bachelor of Social Sciences with Minor
- BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
- BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
- BASc in Chemical Engineering
- BASc in Chemical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
- BASc in Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Option
- BASc in Chemical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- BASc in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Option
- BASc in Civil Engineering
- BASc in Civil Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
- BASc in Civil Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- BASc in Civil Engineering, Environmental and Water Resources Option
- BASc in Civil Engineering, Structural and Geotechnical Option
- BASc in Computer Engineering
- BASc in Computer Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- BASc in Electrical Engineering
- BASc in Electrical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
- BASc in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- BASc in Mechanical Engineering
- BASc in Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
- BASc in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- BASc in Software Engineering
- BASc in Software Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- Certificat en rédaction professionnelle et édition
- Certificat/Baccalauréat en éducation – Éducation technologique
- Certificate in Creative Writing
- Certificate in Francophone Studies
- Certificate in Human Resource Management
- Certificate in Law
- Certificate in Management
- Certificate in Piano Pedagogy
- Certificate in Professional Writing – Coming soon
- Certificate in translation English-French
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Biochemistry Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Biochemistry with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Biology Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Cellular Molecular Medicine Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Cellular Molecular Medicine with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Microbiology and Immunology Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Neuroscience Option)
- Combined Program MD and PhD (Neuroscience with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
- Contemplative Studies and Well-being Option
- Creative Writing Option
- Digital Humanities Option
- Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Social Innovation Option
- Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles intermédiaire/supérieur
- Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles moyen/intermédiaire
- Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles primaire/moyen
- Formation à l’enseignement en mode alternatif – B.Éd. (à temps partiel) – Cycles moyen/intermédiaire
- Formation à l’enseignement en mode alternatif – B.Éd. (à temps partiel) – Cycles primaire/moyen
- Geomatics Option
- Honours BA in Communication
- Honours BA in English
- Honours BA in Environmental Studies
- Honours BA in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
- Honours BA in Ethics and Political Philosophy
- Honours BA in French Studies
- Honours BA in French-English Translation
- Honours BA in French-English Translation (two years)
- Honours BA in French-Spanish-English Translation
- Honours BA in French-Spanish-English Translation (two years)
- Honours BA in Geography
- Honours BA in Greek and Roman Studies
- Honours BA in History
- Honours BA in Linguistics
- Honours BA in Music
- Honours BA in Philosophy
- Honours BA in Psychology
- Honours BA in Religious Studies
- Honours BA in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching English as a Second Language
- Honours BA in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching French as a Second Language
- Honours BA in Spanish
- Honours BA in Theatre
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Accounting)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Accounting) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Business Technology Management)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Business Technology Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Finance)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Finance) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Healthcare Analytics)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Healthcare Analytics) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Human Resource Management)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Human Resource Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in International Management)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in International Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Management)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Marketing)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Marketing) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce and Juris Doctor
- Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
- Honours Bachelor of Digital Journalism
- Honours Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences
- Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences – Option Integrative Health Biosciences
- Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences – Population and Public Health Option
- Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences -Technologies and Innovation in Healthcare Option
- Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics
- Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics – Intervention, Promotion and Community Programming Option
- Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics – Management and Governance Option
- Honours Bachelor of Integrated Food Sciences in partnership with Le Cordon Bleu
- Honours Bachelor of Public Relations
- Honours Bachelor of Science in Translational and Molecular Medicine
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Chemical Biology Option
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Microbiology and Immunology Option
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Synthetic Biology Option
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry / BASc in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology)
- Honours BSc in Biochemistry / BASc in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology) – Biomedical Engineering Option
- Honours BSc in Biology
- Honours BSc in Biology – Cellular/Molecular Option
- Honours BSc in Biology – Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour Option
- Honours BSc in Biology – Physiology Option
- Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus)
- Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Cellular/Molecular Option
- Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour Option
- Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Physiology Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Bioanalytical Science Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Biostatistics Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Cellular and Molecular Medicine Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Medicinal Chemistry Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Neuroscience Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus)
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Bioanalytical Science Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Biostatistics Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Cellular and Molecular Medicine Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Medicinal Chemistry Option
- Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Neuroscience Option
- Honours BSc in Biopharmaceutical Science
- Honours BSc in Chemistry
- Honours BSc in Chemistry – EcoChemistry Option
- Honours BSc in Chemistry – Option Advanced Materials
- Honours BSc in Computer Science
- Honours BSc in Computer Science, Data Science Option
- Honours BSc in Computer Science, Management and Entrepreneurship Option
- Honours BSc in Environmental Geoscience
- Honours BSc in Environmental Science
- Honours BSc in Financial Mathematics and Economics
- Honours BSc in Geology
- Honours BSc in Geology-Physics
- Honours BSc in Human Kinetics
- Honours BSc in Human Kinetics – Applied Studies in Kinesiology Option
- Honours BSc in Mathematics
- Honours BSc in Mathematics/Honours BSc in Computer Science (Data Science)
- Honours BSc in Ophthalmic Medical Technology
- Honours BSc in Physics
- Honours BSc in Physics – Biological Physics Option
- Honours BSc in Physics – Photonics Option
- Honours BSc in Physics / BASc in Electrical Engineering
- Honours BSc in Physics-Mathematics
- Honours BSc in Psychology
- Honours BSc in Statistics
- Honours BSocSc in Anthropology
- Honours BSocSc in Conflict Studies and Human Rights
- Honours BSocSc in Criminology
- Honours BSocSc in Economics
- Honours BSocSc in Economics and Public Policy
- Honours BSocSc in Environmental Economics and Public Policy
- Honours BSocSc in International Development and Globalization
- Honours BSocSc in International Economics and Development
- Honours BSocSc in International Studies and Modern Languages
- Honours BSocSc in Political Science
- Honours BSocSc in Political Science and Juris Doctor (JD)
- Honours BSocSc in Public Administration
- Honours BSocSc in Social Work
- Honours BSocSc in Sociology
- Indigenous Teacher Education Program – Certificate/BEd (Primary/Junior division)
- Joint Honours BA in Communication and Political Science
- Joint Honours BA in Communication and Sociology
- Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science
- Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science
- Joint Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics
- Joint Honours BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics
- Joint Honours BSc in Mathematics and Economics
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Anthropology and Sociology
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Communication and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Communication and Sociology
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Criminology and Women’s Studies
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Economics and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in History and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Mathematics and Economics
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Philosophy and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Public Administration and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Women’s Studies and Political Science
- Joint Honours BSocSc in Women’s Studies and Sociology
- Joint Licenciate in Law (LLL) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Juris Doctor (JD)
- Juris Doctor (JD) / American University, Washington College of Law or Michigan State University, College of Law) – Incoming
- Juris Doctor (JD) / American University, Washington College of Law or Michigan State University, College of Law) – Outgoing
- Juris Doctor (JD) / Master of Arts (International Affairs) – Carleton University
- Juris Doctor (JD) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Licentiate in Law (LLL)
- Licentiate in Law (LLL) and Honours BSocSc in International Development and Globalization
- Majeure en lettres françaises
- Majeure en lettres françaises et Baccalauréat en éducation
- Major in Anthropology
- Major in Arabic Language and Culture
- Major in Art History
- Major in Biochemistry
- Major in Biology
- Major in Chemistry
- Major in CommunicationMajor in Economics
- Major in English
- Major in English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Major in Environmental Studies
- Major in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
- Major in Ethics and Political Philosophy
- Major in French as a Second Language (FLS)
- Major in French Studies
- Major in Geography
- Major in Geology
- Major in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis
- Major in German Language and Culture
- Major in Greek and Roman Studies
- Major in History
- Major in Indigenous Studies
- Major in Italian Language and Culture
- Major in Life Sciences
- Major in Linguistics
- Major in Mathematics
- Major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Major in Music Studies
- Major in Philosophy
- Major in Physical Geography and Geomatics
- Major in PhysicsMajor in Public Administration
- Major in Religious Studies
- Major in Russian Language and Culture
- Major in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching English as a Second Language
- Major in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching French as a Second Language
- Major in Spanish
- Major in Statistics
- Major in Theatre
- Major in Visual ArtsMajor in Women’s Studies
- Major in World Cinemas
- Major in World Languages and Cultures (Coming soon)
- Mineure en écriture et style
- Mineure en lettres françaises
- Mineure en rédaction professionnelle et édition
- Mineure en traduction vers le françaisMinor in Anthropology
- Minor in Applied Ethics
- Minor in Arabic Language and Culture
- Minor in Art History
- Minor in Asian Studies
- Minor in Biochemistry
- Minor in Biology
- Minor in Biophysics
- Minor in Canadian Studies
- Minor in Celtic Studies
- Minor in Chemistry
- Minor in Communication
- Minor in Computer Science
- Minor in Computer Science for Scientists
- Minor in Conflict Studies and Human Rights
- Minor in Creative Writing
- Minor in Criminology
- Minor in Digital Humanities
- Minor in Economics
- Minor in English
- Minor in English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Minor in Environmental Studies
- Minor in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
- Minor in Francophone Studies
- Minor in French as a Second Language (FLS)
- Minor in Geography
- Minor in Geology
- Minor in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis
- Minor in German Language and Culture
- Minor in Global Studies
- Minor in Greek and Roman Studies
- Minor in Health Sciences
- Minor in History
- Minor in Indigenous Studies
- Minor in Italian Language and Culture
- Minor in Latin American Studies
- Minor in Law
- Minor in Life Sciences
- Minor in Linguistics
- Minor in Management
- Minor in Mathematics
- Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Minor in Music
- Minor in Philosophy
- Minor in Physics
- Minor in Political Science
- Minor in Professional Writing – Coming soon
- Minor in Psychology
- Minor in Public Administration
- Minor in Religious Studies
- Minor in Russian Language and Culture
- Minor in Social Sciences of Health
- Minor in Social Work
- Minor in Sociology
- Minor in Spanish
- Minor in Statistics
- Minor in Studies of Social Issues in Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure
- Minor in Theatre
- Minor in Translation into English
- Minor in Women’s Studies
- Minor in World Cinemas
- National Program (JD)
- National Program (LL.L.)
- Professional Editing Option – Coming soon
- Professional Writing Option – Coming soon
- Programme de droit canadien – Juris Doctor (J.D.)/Licence en droit (LL.L.)
- Science Entrepreneurship Option
- Science Policy Option
- Teacher Education – Intermediate/Senior division
- Teacher Education – Junior/Intermediate division
- Teacher Education – Primary/Junior division
- Undergraduate Medical Education (MD Program)
- Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Option
Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | University of Ottawa |
Fellowship Level | Master’s/Doctoral / Postdoc |
Country | Canada |
Subject areas | All disciplines |
Fellowship amount | $10,000-$15,000 |
Eligibility | Open to all nationalities |
Deadline | Varies |
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