University of Ottawa: Master’s, Doctoral, Postdoc 16808 views

University of Ottawa: Master’s, Doctoral, Postdoc

Founded in 1848, the University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual French-English university in North America and plays a unique role in promoting Francophone issues in Canada.

Courses Offered

  1. Bachelor’s
  2. Certificate
  3. Doctorate
  4. Graduate diplomas
  5. Licentiate
  6. Major
  7. Master’s
  8. Minor

Disciplines offered

  1. dvanced Minor in English as a Second Language
  2. Advanced Minor in French as a Second Language
  3. African Studies Option (Coming soon)
  4. Animal Studies Option
  5. B.A. spécialisé bidisciplinaire en communication et lettres françaises
  6. B.A. spécialisé en lettres françaises
  7. B.A. spécialisé en lettres françaises et Baccalauréat en éducation
  8. B.Sc. spécialisé en sciences/Baccalauréat en éducation – Cycles intermédiaire/supérieur
  9. Bachelor of Arts
  10. Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (Coming soon)
  11. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
  12. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting
  13. Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Arts Administration Profile
  14. Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Composition Profile
  15. Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – General Profile
  16. Bachelor of Music (BMus) – Music Education Profile
  17. Bachelor of Music (BMus) – Musicology – Theory Profile
  18. Bachelor of Music (BMUS) – Performance Profile
  19. Bachelor of Music/Honours Bachelor of Science with Major
  20. Bachelor of Science
  21. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  22. Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Second Entry Program
  23. Bachelor of Science with Double Minor
  24. Bachelor of Science with Major
  25. Bachelor of Science with Minor
  26. Bachelor of Social Sciences
  27. Bachelor of Social Sciences with double Minor
  28. Bachelor of Social Sciences with Major
  29. Bachelor of Social Sciences with Minor
  30. BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
  31. BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
  32. BASc in Chemical Engineering
  33. BASc in Chemical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
  34. BASc in Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Option
  35. BASc in Chemical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  36. BASc in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Option
  37. BASc in Civil Engineering
  38. BASc in Civil Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
  39. BASc in Civil Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  40. BASc in Civil Engineering, Environmental and Water Resources Option
  41. BASc in Civil Engineering, Structural and Geotechnical Option
  42. BASc in Computer Engineering
  43. BASc in Computer Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  44. BASc in Electrical Engineering
  45. BASc in Electrical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
  46. BASc in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  47. BASc in Mechanical Engineering
  48. BASc in Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
  49. BASc in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  50. BASc in Software Engineering
  51. BASc in Software Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  52. Certificat en rédaction professionnelle et édition
  53. Certificat/Baccalauréat en éducation – Éducation technologique
  54. Certificate in Creative Writing
  55. Certificate in Francophone Studies
  56. Certificate in Human Resource Management
  57. Certificate in Law
  58. Certificate in Management
  59. Certificate in Piano Pedagogy
  60. Certificate in Professional Writing – Coming soon
  61. Certificate in translation English-French
  62. Combined Program MD and PhD (Biochemistry Option)
  63. Combined Program MD and PhD (Biochemistry with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
  64. Combined Program MD and PhD (Biology Option)
  65. Combined Program MD and PhD (Cellular Molecular Medicine Option)
  66. Combined Program MD and PhD (Cellular Molecular Medicine with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
  67. Combined Program MD and PhD (Microbiology and Immunology Option)
  68. Combined Program MD and PhD (Neuroscience Option)
  69. Combined Program MD and PhD (Neuroscience with Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics Option)
  70. Contemplative Studies and Well-being Option
  71. Creative Writing Option
  72. Digital Humanities Option
  73. Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Social Innovation Option
  74. Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles intermédiaire/supérieur
  75. Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles moyen/intermédiaire
  76. Formation à l’enseignement – Cycles primaire/moyen
  77. Formation à l’enseignement en mode alternatif – B.Éd. (à temps partiel) – Cycles moyen/intermédiaire
  78. Formation à l’enseignement en mode alternatif – B.Éd. (à temps partiel) – Cycles primaire/moyen
  79. Geomatics Option
  80. Honours BA in Communication
  81. Honours BA in English
  82. Honours BA in Environmental Studies
  83. Honours BA in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
  84. Honours BA in Ethics and Political Philosophy
  85. Honours BA in French Studies
  86. Honours BA in French-English Translation
  87. Honours BA in French-English Translation (two years)
  88. Honours BA in French-Spanish-English Translation
  89. Honours BA in French-Spanish-English Translation (two years)
  90. Honours BA in Geography
  91. Honours BA in Greek and Roman Studies
  92. Honours BA in History
  93. Honours BA in Linguistics
  94. Honours BA in Music
  95. Honours BA in Philosophy
  96. Honours BA in Psychology
  97. Honours BA in Religious Studies
  98. Honours BA in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching English as a Second Language
  99. Honours BA in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching French as a Second Language
  100. Honours BA in Spanish
  101. Honours BA in Theatre
  102. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Accounting)
  103. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Accounting) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  104. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Business Technology Management)
  105. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Business Technology Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  106. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Finance)
  107. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Finance) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  108. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Healthcare Analytics)
  109. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Healthcare Analytics) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  110. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Human Resource Management)
  111. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Human Resource Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  112. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in International Management)
  113. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in International Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  114. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Management)
  115. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Management) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  116. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Marketing)
  117. Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Option in Marketing) (Complementary Option in Entrepreneurship)
  118. Honours Bachelor of Commerce and Juris Doctor
  119. Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
  120. Honours Bachelor of Digital Journalism
  121. Honours Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences
  122. Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences
  123. Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences – Option Integrative Health Biosciences
  124. Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences – Population and Public Health Option
  125. Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences -Technologies and Innovation in Healthcare Option
  126. Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics
  127. Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics – Intervention, Promotion and Community Programming Option
  128. Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics – Management and Governance Option
  129. Honours Bachelor of Integrated Food Sciences in partnership with Le Cordon Bleu
  130. Honours Bachelor of Public Relations
  131. Honours Bachelor of Science in Translational and Molecular Medicine
  132. Honours BSc in Biochemistry
  133. Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Chemical Biology Option
  134. Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Microbiology and Immunology Option
  135. Honours BSc in Biochemistry – Synthetic Biology Option
  136. Honours BSc in Biochemistry / BASc in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology)
  137. Honours BSc in Biochemistry / BASc in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology) – Biomedical Engineering Option
  138. Honours BSc in Biology
  139. Honours BSc in Biology – Cellular/Molecular Option
  140. Honours BSc in Biology – Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour Option
  141. Honours BSc in Biology – Physiology Option
  142. Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus)
  143. Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Cellular/Molecular Option
  144. Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour Option
  145. Honours BSc in Biology (Research Focus) – Physiology Option
  146. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science
  147. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Bioanalytical Science Option
  148. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Biostatistics Option
  149. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Cellular and Molecular Medicine Option
  150. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Medicinal Chemistry Option
  151. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science – Neuroscience Option
  152. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus)
  153. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Bioanalytical Science Option
  154. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Biostatistics Option
  155. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Cellular and Molecular Medicine Option
  156. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Medicinal Chemistry Option
  157. Honours BSc in Biomedical Science (Research Focus) – Neuroscience Option
  158. Honours BSc in Biopharmaceutical Science
  159. Honours BSc in Chemistry
  160. Honours BSc in Chemistry – EcoChemistry Option
  161. Honours BSc in Chemistry – Option Advanced Materials
  162. Honours BSc in Computer Science
  163. Honours BSc in Computer Science, Data Science Option
  164. Honours BSc in Computer Science, Management and Entrepreneurship Option
  165. Honours BSc in Environmental Geoscience
  166. Honours BSc in Environmental Science
  167. Honours BSc in Financial Mathematics and Economics
  168. Honours BSc in Geology
  169. Honours BSc in Geology-Physics
  170. Honours BSc in Human Kinetics
  171. Honours BSc in Human Kinetics – Applied Studies in Kinesiology Option
  172. Honours BSc in Mathematics
  173. Honours BSc in Mathematics/Honours BSc in Computer Science (Data Science)
  174. Honours BSc in Ophthalmic Medical Technology
  175. Honours BSc in Physics
  176. Honours BSc in Physics – Biological Physics Option
  177. Honours BSc in Physics – Photonics Option
  178. Honours BSc in Physics / BASc in Electrical Engineering
  179. Honours BSc in Physics-Mathematics
  180. Honours BSc in Psychology
  181. Honours BSc in Statistics
  182. Honours BSocSc in Anthropology
  183. Honours BSocSc in Conflict Studies and Human Rights
  184. Honours BSocSc in Criminology
  185. Honours BSocSc in Economics
  186. Honours BSocSc in Economics and Public Policy
  187. Honours BSocSc in Environmental Economics and Public Policy
  188. Honours BSocSc in International Development and Globalization
  189. Honours BSocSc in International Economics and Development
  190. Honours BSocSc in International Studies and Modern Languages
  191. Honours BSocSc in Political Science
  192. Honours BSocSc in Political Science and Juris Doctor (JD)
  193. Honours BSocSc in Public Administration
  194. Honours BSocSc in Social Work
  195. Honours BSocSc in Sociology
  196. Indigenous Teacher Education Program – Certificate/BEd (Primary/Junior division)
  197. Joint Honours BA in Communication and Political Science
  198. Joint Honours BA in Communication and Sociology
  199. Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science
  200. Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science
  201. Joint Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics
  202. Joint Honours BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics
  203. Joint Honours BSc in Mathematics and Economics
  204. Joint Honours BSocSc in Anthropology and Sociology
  205. Joint Honours BSocSc in Communication and Political Science
  206. Joint Honours BSocSc in Communication and Sociology
  207. Joint Honours BSocSc in Criminology and Women’s Studies
  208. Joint Honours BSocSc in Economics and Political Science
  209. Joint Honours BSocSc in History and Political Science
  210. Joint Honours BSocSc in Mathematics and Economics
  211. Joint Honours BSocSc in Philosophy and Political Science
  212. Joint Honours BSocSc in Public Administration and Political Science
  213. Joint Honours BSocSc in Women’s Studies and Political Science
  214. Joint Honours BSocSc in Women’s Studies and Sociology
  215. Joint Licenciate in Law (LLL) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  216. Juris Doctor (JD)
  217. Juris Doctor (JD) / American University, Washington College of Law or Michigan State University, College of Law) – Incoming
  218. Juris Doctor (JD) / American University, Washington College of Law or Michigan State University, College of Law) – Outgoing
  219. Juris Doctor (JD) / Master of Arts (International Affairs) – Carleton University
  220. Juris Doctor (JD) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  221. Licentiate in Law (LLL)
  222. Licentiate in Law (LLL) and Honours BSocSc in International Development and Globalization
  223. Majeure en lettres françaises
  224. Majeure en lettres françaises et Baccalauréat en éducation
  225. Major in Anthropology
  226. Major in Arabic Language and Culture
  227. Major in Art History
  228. Major in Biochemistry
  229. Major in Biology
  230. Major in Chemistry
  231. Major in CommunicationMajor in Economics
  232. Major in English
  233. Major in English as a Second Language (ESL)
  234. Major in Environmental Studies
  235. Major in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
  236. Major in Ethics and Political Philosophy
  237. Major in French as a Second Language (FLS)
  238. Major in French Studies
  239. Major in Geography
  240. Major in Geology
  241. Major in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis
  242. Major in German Language and Culture
  243. Major in Greek and Roman Studies
  244. Major in History
  245. Major in Indigenous Studies
  246. Major in Italian Language and Culture
  247. Major in Life Sciences
  248. Major in Linguistics
  249. Major in Mathematics
  250. Major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  251. Major in Music Studies
  252. Major in Philosophy
  253. Major in Physical Geography and Geomatics
  254. Major in PhysicsMajor in Public Administration
  255. Major in Religious Studies
  256. Major in Russian Language and Culture
  257. Major in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching English as a Second Language
  258. Major in Second-Language Teaching – Teaching French as a Second Language
  259. Major in Spanish
  260. Major in Statistics
  261. Major in Theatre
  262. Major in Visual ArtsMajor in Women’s Studies
  263. Major in World Cinemas
  264. Major in World Languages and Cultures (Coming soon)
  265. Mineure en écriture et style
  266. Mineure en lettres françaises
  267. Mineure en rédaction professionnelle et édition
  268. Mineure en traduction vers le françaisMinor in Anthropology
  269. Minor in Applied Ethics
  270. Minor in Arabic Language and Culture
  271. Minor in Art History
  272. Minor in Asian Studies
  273. Minor in Biochemistry
  274. Minor in Biology
  275. Minor in Biophysics
  276. Minor in Canadian Studies
  277. Minor in Celtic Studies
  278. Minor in Chemistry
  279. Minor in Communication
  280. Minor in Computer Science
  281. Minor in Computer Science for Scientists
  282. Minor in Conflict Studies and Human Rights
  283. Minor in Creative Writing
  284. Minor in Criminology
  285. Minor in Digital Humanities
  286. Minor in Economics
  287. Minor in English
  288. Minor in English as a Second Language (ESL)
  289. Minor in Environmental Studies
  290. Minor in Environmental Studies (Bilingual Program)
  291. Minor in Francophone Studies
  292. Minor in French as a Second Language (FLS)
  293. Minor in Geography
  294. Minor in Geology
  295. Minor in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis
  296. Minor in German Language and Culture
  297. Minor in Global Studies
  298. Minor in Greek and Roman Studies
  299. Minor in Health Sciences
  300. Minor in History
  301. Minor in Indigenous Studies
  302. Minor in Italian Language and Culture
  303. Minor in Latin American Studies
  304. Minor in Law
  305. Minor in Life Sciences
  306. Minor in Linguistics
  307. Minor in Management
  308. Minor in Mathematics
  309. Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  310. Minor in Music
  311. Minor in Philosophy
  312. Minor in Physics
  313. Minor in Political Science
  314. Minor in Professional Writing – Coming soon
  315. Minor in Psychology
  316. Minor in Public Administration
  317. Minor in Religious Studies
  318. Minor in Russian Language and Culture
  319. Minor in Social Sciences of Health
  320. Minor in Social Work
  321. Minor in Sociology
  322. Minor in Spanish
  323. Minor in Statistics
  324. Minor in Studies of Social Issues in Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure
  325. Minor in Theatre
  326. Minor in Translation into English
  327. Minor in Women’s Studies
  328. Minor in World Cinemas
  329. National Program (JD)
  330. National Program (LL.L.)
  331. Professional Editing Option – Coming soon
  332. Professional Writing Option – Coming soon
  333. Programme de droit canadien – Juris Doctor (J.D.)/Licence en droit (LL.L.)
  334. Science Entrepreneurship Option
  335. Science Policy Option
  336. Teacher Education – Intermediate/Senior division
  337. Teacher Education – Junior/Intermediate division
  338. Teacher Education – Primary/Junior division
  339. Undergraduate Medical Education (MD Program)
  340. Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Option


Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Ottawa
Fellowship LevelMaster’s/Doctoral / Postdoc
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amount$10,000-$15,000
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities



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