Visiting Researcher: Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) 1635 views

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) at Aalto University is inviting applications for Visiting Researcher/Scholar (unfunded position, researcher shall organise funding by him/herself). The topics of research relate to the fields of art, design, media and architecture with sustainable development as an all-encompassing theme.

Departments involved:
  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Art
  • Department of Design
  • Department of Film, Television and Scenography
  • Department of Media


  • The positions are open to postdoctoral Researchers and Doctoral Candidates.
  • Master’s level students are not accepted.
  • The position is UNFUNDED and open to Researchers from all countries.
  • Visiting Researcher should have preferably secured funding for the duration of the visit before applying for this position.
  • Visiting Researcher in ARTS is for a full semester position or a full academic year.
  • The applicant may indicate a particular time period of the visit and the starting date of the visit.
  • Visiting Researcher in ARTS is expected to undertake research and publication in collaboration with Department’s personnel and independent research.
  • S/he is expected to prepare a lecture about the research topic within two weeks of arrival and may be asked to contribute to the teaching of the Department.
  • The Visiting Researcher will have to sign an Academic Visitor contract with the School of Arts, Design and Architecture immediately after arrival in Finland.


  • The selected candidate will be provided working space, IT services, access to the library services, opportunity to participate in the
  • Interaction with staff and other Researchers within the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
  • The selected candidate will be part of a larger research community of Aalto University. The school will help to arrange housing for the Visiting Researcher in ARTS.

How to apply:

  • Apply online and application for the position should contain (in pdf format):
  • CV
  • Plan for research and activities at Aalto University
  • List of publications
  • All material should be submitted in English. The application materials will not be returned.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationAalto University
Fellowship LevelVisiting researcher
Subject areasArts, Design and Architecture
Fellowship amountUnfunded position
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities

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