VISTA Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship 12256 views

The VISTA Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship is being offered by York University. The fellowship will provide financial support to the highest caliber applicants. The fellowship is open to individuals with PhDs from other national or international institutions, doing postdoctoral research that is aligned with the VISTA program under the supervision of a VISTA core member.

  • The candidate’s application must be supported by a VISTA core member who will supervise;
  • Candidate must hold a doctorate in an area that falls within the VISTA mandate;
  • A PhD or equivalent degree must be completed by the start date;
  • Postdoctoral Fellows who hold an external award (e.g. NSERC) at York, and who have not previously held a VISTA Postdoctoral Award, are eligible to apply for a one year extension from VISTA during the final year of their award;
  • Postdoctoral candidates who are employed at York University under the category of ‘Postdoctoral Visitor’ are only eligible to apply to VISTA during their first 6 months of employment (or until the first available VISTA Postdoctoral Award application deadline, whichever comes first);


  • Applicants to the Distinguished award are required to include a letter of support from the Proposed Supervisor in their application (5 pages maximum).
  • Supervisors must:
  • Describe the significance of the applicant’s research contributions and proposed research as it pertains to the VISTA mandate.
  • Describe the fit between the research interests/background of the supervisor and the applicant, and the anticipated mutual benefits.
  • Provide specifics about how the proposed research complements the supervisor’s ongoing projects or new research directions in the context of VISTA.
  • Describe the supervisor’s commitment to the applicant’s professional leadership development, clearly indicating the resources and/or mentoring activities that they will provide to support career development.
  • Consider the level of excellence similar to what is expected of other highly competitive programs (e.g. Banting PDF) and the applicant should demonstrate evidence of such excellence in their academic CV.

How to Apply:

  • Identify and confirm a VISTA Core Member as supervisor. VISTA Associate Members are eligible as co-supervisors with a Core Member.
  • Email the following completed forms and documents to
  • Application form.
  • Summary of proposed research (One-page)
  • Voluntary self-identification survey
  • Postdoctoral Supervisor Form
  • CV
  • 02 Letters of Reference
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationYork University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasElectrical Engineering & Computer Science
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineOctober 13th, 2023
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