Aalto University School of Engineering invites applications for A DOCTORAL STUDENT POSITION IN FRACTURE OF SEA ICE. We have an open position for a doctoral student in the Arctic Marine and Ice Technology research group at the Department of Applied Mechanics. Our research group studies the behavior of ships and structures in ice, ice mechanics and also assesses the impact of sea ice on the safety of maritime transportation.
An important part of our research is experimental work. For that we have excellent possibilities as we operate the Aalto Ice Tank, a 40 m × 40 m ice model basin. The basin is equipped with a cooling system and capability to produce both freshwater ice and doped model scale ice.
Now we are looking for a doctoral student to join our group and study the scaling of ice strength and fracture. This work will include both experimental and theoretical work. You will be working with our group at the Aalto University, but also in collaboration with Professor John Dempsey from the Clarkson University, USA.
The call is open for candidates with a Master’s degree in a wide range of backgrounds. Good understanding of solid and fracture mechanics and numerical modeling is required. A suitable background may come from applied mechanics, mechanical engineering, marine engineering, civil engineering, engineering physics, or related disciplines. The applicant must fulfill the requirements for doctoral students at the Aalto University, School of Engineering.
The position is at the Department of Applied Mechanics and may include some work as a teaching assistant. The expected duration of doctoral studies is four years, but a contract is first made for one year, and the extension is subject to advance of studies and research. The salary is according to the salary system of Aalto University.
How to apply
The application material includes
Motivation letter
CV and other proof of scientific activity (publications, conference papers etc.)
A certified copy of master´s degree certificate and official transcript of records, and their translations, if the originals are not in Finnish, Swedish or English
An English abstract the MSc thesis
Any other supporting documents, like recommendation letters
All material should be submitted in English.
Applications with attachments (in pdf-format) for the position are to be submitted no later than 29 May 2015 through the application link below no later than 29 May 2015.
Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.
Further information
For additional information, please contact Assistant Professor Arttu Polojärvi or Professor Jukka Tuhkuri (email: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi).
In Espoo 21 April 2015