Research on generation and applications of aerosol particles have been an important part of the materials research within the division for over 20 years. Some of the applications for the aerosol particles is as seed material for growth of nanowires, and as model system for research on both nano safety and catalysis, research that is conducted in close collaboration with other groups within NanoLund.

More information is found at:,


Due to the increase of nanoparticle containing products an important goal within aerosol research is to develop means to generate nanoparticles with tailored properties on a large scale. To enable this in a controlled manner further knowledge behind the mechanisms in particle generation is needed. The emphasis of this PhD project is research and development of aerosol nanoparticles using a spark discharge generator. The primary focus will be on development of materials that has not before been generated by spark discharge. This includes certain alloy and semiconductor materials. In addition to nanoparticle fabrication, a significant part of the position will include advanced materials analysis using electron microscopy. Also analysis using advanced aerosol measurement devices might be part of the work.

The PhD candidate is expected to be able to work independently in developing new nanoparticle materials, but also to collaborate with a variety of researchers.

The PhD position corresponds to 4 years of research studies. Additional tasks such as teaching and other institutional duties most often occur, up to 20%. The employment is then prolonged correspondingly to a maximum of 5 years.

A formal requirement for doctoral studies in physics is an advanced university degree within a related field, such as a Master’s degree in physics or nanotechnology or equivalent, or substantial advanced course work at the master level or comparable, including an independent research project. Furthermore, the acceptance is based on the estimated ability to accomplish your postgraduate studies. Good knowledge in spoken and written English is a requirement.

Mode of selection
Selection to postgraduate studies is based on the expected ability to perform well in the studies. The evaluation of the ability to perform well is based primarily on the results of studies at the basic and advanced levels, in particular:

  1. Knowledge and skills relevant to postgraduate studies within this area, such as a broad and thorough preparation in physics.
  2. Estimated ability to work independently and the ability to formulate and solve scientific questions.
  3. Skills in written and oral communication.
  4. Other experience relevant to postgraduate studies, such as professional experience.

Desirable Qualifications:
We expect that your previous studies have included a broad range of courses, covering topics such as:

  • solid state or
  • semiconductor physics,
  • nanotechnology,
  • materials science, and
  • materials analysis.

Other essentials:The research is to a large extent interdisciplinary, and a broad competence profile and experiences from relevant areas of physics, chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology are of special value. Knowledge on aerosol technology and surface physics are highly valued. The demonstrated ability for skillful laboratory work is essential, especially generation of aerosol particles and materials analysis using electron microscopy.

Important personal qualities are, beside creativity and a curious mind, the ability to work both independently and in a group and experience in the scientific interaction with researchers from other disciplines and in other countries. Your application should include one or more documents demonstrating your research qualifications, for example the abstract to your Master thesis, project report, manuscript or similar. Good knowledge of spoken and written English is essential.

How to Apply
Please apply online! Applications must contain a covering letter in which applicants describe themselves and their particular research interests. Applications must also include

  • a CV,
  • a copy of the applicant’s Master’s thesis (or a summary text if the thesis is not yet completed),
  • contact details of at least two references,
  • copies of grade certificates, and
  • any other documents that the applicant wishes to refer to.

Applicants are also required to answer the job specific questions in the first step of the application process.

Type of employmentTemporary position longer than 6 months
First day of employmentSnarast
SalaryMonthly salary
Number of positions1
Working hours100 %
CountySkåne län
Reference numberPA2015/2671
  • Maria Messing, Biträdande universitetslektor, 046-222 3691,
Deadline25.Sep.2015 11:59 PM CET

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