France: Université de Bordeaux 1173 views


France: Université de Bordeaux

About Us

Université de Bordeaux’s missions is to support a driving ambition to further develop as a “Campus of Excellence”:

  • Provide a broad range of high quality academic programs, from undergraduate studies to research projects
  • Support our students with professional orientation and integration guidance
  • Promote scientific and technological research, and the findings of such research
  • Participate in the development and internationalization of the European higher education and research system
  • Promote our international collaboration via strategic partnerships and alliances

Colleges & Departments

The University of Bordeaux has an extensive educational and research offer that is proposed via colleges, institutes and departments.

The educational program is organized according to four colleges:

  • Law, Political Science, Economy and Management
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Sciences
  • Science and Technology

These domains regroup training units, faculties and institutes.

The research is organized according to three departments:

  • Science and Technology
  • Life and Health Sciences
  • Social and Human Sciences

These departments represent the laboratories and research teams.

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