UK: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) 803 views


UK: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) has posted 1 job

UK: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)

About Us

PhD students are a vital part of our research community at SAMS. Around 10 new students embark every year on a PhD, contributing to our vibrant and supporting graduate school with about 30-35 students. Most students are in a large, bright, shared office until they start writing up in their final year.

Doctoral studies at the SAMS cover most marine science sub-disciplines with projects in areas including:

  • Marine robotics
  • Aquaculture and fisheries
  • Marine biotechnology
  • Marine renewable energy
  • Marine policy and governance
  • Marine social science
  • Ecological economics
  • Physical oceanography
  • Environmental change
  • Marine ecology – from coastal to deep sea
  • Arctic studies
  • Microbial and molecular biology
  • Sediment geochemistry
  • Palaeoceanography
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Modelling
  • Invasive species

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