USA: Columbia University (CU) 1394 views


USA: Columbia University (CU)

About Us

Columbia University (USA): For more than 250 years, Columbia has been a leader in higher education in the nation and around the world.

Courses Offered:

  1. Bachelors
  2. Masters
  3. PhD
  4. Short Courses


  • Accounting Division »
  • Anatomy and Cell Biology Department »
  • Anesthesiology Department »
  • Anthropology Department »
  • Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Department »
  • Architecture Department »
  • Art History and Archaeology Department »
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Department »
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Department »
  • Biological Sciences Department »
  • Biomedical Engineering Department »
  • Biomedical Informatics Department »
  • Biostatistics Department »
  • Cardiology, Division of »
  • Chemical Engineering Department »
  • Chemistry Department »
  • Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department »
  • Classics Department »
  • Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Division of »
  • Computer Science Department »
  • Decision, Risk and Operations, Division of »
  • Dermatology Department »
  • Digestive and Liver Diseases, Division of »
  • Earth and Environmental Engineering Department »
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences Department »
  • East Asian Languages and Cultures Department »
  • Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Department »
  • Economics Department »
  • Electrical Engineering Department »
  • Endocrinology, Division of »
  • English and Comparative Literature Department »
  • Environmental Health Sciences Department »
  • Epidemiology Department »
  • Film Program »
  • Finance and Economics Division »
  • French and Romance Philology Department »
  • General Medicine, Division of »
  • Genetics and Development, Department of »
  • Germanic Languages Department »
  • Global Support, Finance Division »
  • Health Policy and Management Department »
  • Hematology, Division of »
  • History and Literature Program (Reid Hall, Paris) »
  • History Department »
  • Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Department of »
  • Infectious Diseases, Division of »
  • Italian Department »
  • Latin American and Iberian Cultures »
  • Linguistics Department »
  • Management Division »
  • Marketing Division »
  • Mathematics Department »
  • Mechanical Engineering Department »
  • Medicine, Department of »
  • Microbiology and Immunology, Department of »
  • Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies »
  • Molecular Medicine, Division of »
  • Music Department »
  • Nephrology, Division of »
  • Neurology Department »
  • Neuroscience, Department of »
  • Neurosurgery Department »
  • NROTC Columbia Battalion »
  • Oncology, Division of »
  • Ophthalmology Department »
  • Orthopaedic Surgery Department »
  • Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Department »
  • Pathology, Department of »


  • Pediatrics Department »
  • Pharmacology Department »
  • Philosophy Department »
  • Physical Education, Department of »
  • Physics Department »
  • Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Department »
  • Political Science Department »
  • Population and Family Health, Heilbrunn Department of »
  • Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, Division of »
  • Psychiatry Department »
  • Psychology Department »
  • Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Division of »
  • Radiation Oncology Department »
  • Radiology Department »
  • Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of »
  • Religion Department »
  • Rheumatology, Division of »
  • Slavic Languages Department »
  • Sociology Department »
  • Sociomedical Sciences, Department of »
  • Spanish and Portuguese Department »
  • Statistics Department »
  • Surgery Department »
  • Systems Biology, Department of »
  • Theatre Arts Program »
  • Urology Department »
  • Visual Arts Program »
  • Writing Program »


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