INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION [ISRO], Department of Space, Government of India


Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] is a Research and Development organisation engaged in application of Space Science and Technology tor the benefit of society at large and for serving the nation by achieving self-reliance and developing capacity to design and build Launch Vehicles and Communication/Remote Sensing Satellites and thereafter launch them. ISRO strives to serve the nation in the areas of television broadcast, telecommunication, meteorological application and in management of our natural resources. The Indian space programme continues to pursue successful goals on all fronts in meeting the objective of achieving soil-reliance in space technology and its applications for national development The future ISRO programme envisages development of cutting edge technologies for reusable launch vehicle, development of advanced technologies for Human Spaceflight Programme, advanced high efficiency semi-cryogenic propulsion engine, advanced communication satellite, air breathing propulsion, satellite based
navigation system, hyper spectral Imaging sensors, lunar & Planetary exploration etc.

Challenging opportunities exist at ISRO to undertake development of innovative technologies and establish the advanced Infrastructure needed for space exploration and beyond.

ISRO offers the position of Scientist/Engineer “SC in the pay band of 715600-39100 with grade pay of 7 5400/- to the young graduates in the following specialized fields:-

Post CodeFieldNo. of Vacancies
BE 001Scientist/Engineer ‘SC* [Electronics]49
BE 002Scientist/Engineer ‘SC [Mechanical]34
BE 003Scientist/Engineer “SC [Computer Science]26

Out of the above, few posts are identified for Persons witft Disabilities (PWD), the details of which will be pubSshed in the website.

Eligibility : BE/B.Tech or equivalent in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available). Candidates who are slated lo
complete the BE/B.Tech course in the academic year 2014-15 are also eligible to apply provided final Degree is available by 30.09.2015

Age limit 35 years as on 09.07.2015. Ex-Serviceman and Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt, of India orders.

How to apply : The appication for on-line registration wil be hosted in the ISRO web-site between 19.06.2015 and 09.07.2015. Candidates may visit our web-site at to register their applications on- ne between 19.06.2015 and C9.07.2C15. Applications will be received on-line only Upon registration applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for future reference. E-mai ID of the applicant will have to be given in the application compulsorily. The on-line application has to be invariably followed-up with a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer concerned, by those already in employment under Central/State Government Pubic Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, duly indicating the name and Reg. No. on the reverse.

Application Fee : There will be an Application Fee of ?100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. After registrator o’appication on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized payment challan form, in triplicate, from the ISRO system which wil contain the Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Receipt Account Number, Advertisement No., and Post code. The candidates may visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India for remittance of application fee to Receipt Account (account number wil be published in the web-site), by using the personalized payment challan of State Bank of India on any day between 19.06.2015 and 10.07.2015. The candkiates may down-load and print the personalized payment challan from the ISRO system on any day between 19.06.2015 and 09.07.2015 and remit the application fee before the prescribed last date i.e. 10.07.2015. Upon remittance of the application fee, one copy of the challan form will be retained by Stale Bank [Bank copy] and remaining two parts will be given to the candidate. Out of the two challan parts, the candidate has to send one part of the chalan form [ISRO copy] to Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bengaluru – 560094 by ORDINARY POST only superscribing in the envelope “ICRB – RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER ‘SC ” within 7 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 17.07.2015 The remaining copy of challan form [Applicant copy] shall be retained by the candidate for future reference. The payment shall be made through cash deposit only. Payment of Arjplicarjon fee in any other form Ike cash, cheque, draft, money order, IPO, etc, are ml allowed. Applications in respect of which copy of chalan form, after remittance of prescribed appication fee (ISRO copy] is not received in ISRO HO, Bengaluru on or before 17.07.2015, will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.

Women candidates/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. However, after registration of application on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized registration confirmation form from the ISRO system which will contain the Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Advertisement No., and Post code for future reference.

The candidates who are already employed under Central/State Govt/PSU/Autonomous Bodies have to send a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer concerned, duly indicating their Registration Number and Post Code to the Administrative Officer [ICRB], ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru within seven days of filing the applications on-line by the candidates and in any case not later than 17.07.2015.

Documents to be sent to ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru

Visit ISRO website for further details – see the link above