The PhD programme in Chemistry aims to train highly qualified PhDs able to organize and manage research activities in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, as well as and any research field in which chemistry has a prominent role. Particular attention will be devoted to the multidisciplinary aspects of the research and to its integration with related disciplines (e.g., Physics, Biochemistry, Engineering), in order to stimulate creative thinking and originality. 

Department: Dept of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician»; Dept of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”


Academic Year2015-2016
Subject areaMathematical Physical, Chemical and Astronomical Sciences
CoordinatorProf. Aldo Roda
Duration3 years
Positions and scholarships21 positions, of which 16 with scholarship
Call deadlineMay 29, 2015 at 01:00 PM
Doctoral programme start dateNov 01, 2015


Curricula and Research topics

Chemical Sciences:
The research topics of the curriculum Chemical Sciences include all areas of chemistry, from computational chemistry (e.g., modelling of molecular materials, computational photochemistry and photophysics, spectroscopy), to physical chemistry (e.g., study of solid state and liquid crystals), electrochemistry (e.g., electrochemistry of molecular materials and for energy, electrochemical analysis techniques), photochemistry (e.g., systems for energy conversion, photoreactive materials, sensors and luminescent tracers), study of polymers (e.g., production of polymeric materials for biomedical applications), analytical sciences (e.g., analytical methods based on advanced separative techniques, bioanalytical, environmental and cultural heritage chemistry, biosensors), organic chemistry (e.g., chemistry of radicals and host-guest systems, organic synthesis, synthesis by enzymatic catalysis, development of materials and methods for “Green Chemistry”), structural and solid state chemistry (e.g., “Crystal Engineering”, development of materials for biomedical applications, synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials), and molecular spectroscopy (e.g., Raman, electron and rotational spectroscopy). For many topics, the research has important multidisciplinary implications, in particular as concerned nanotechnological and biomedical applications.

Industrial Chemistry:
The research topics of the curriculum Industrial Chemistry relate to the areas of industrial chemistry, chemistry of materials (e.g., polymers and ceramics) and processes, analytical and environmental chemistry. The research activities include the development of new, more environment-friendly industrial processes (by operating on a laboratory scale or in pilot plants), the innovation or improvement of the industrial production of chemical substances by introducing “sustainable” processes (“Green Chemistry”), the study of methods for the reduction of pollutants and for the production of fuels, the synthesis of polymeric materials of industrial applications and for the conversion of energy, the development of new catalytic materials (e.g., organometallic compounds or metal complexes) and their evaluation in industrial applications in order to their determine characteristics, reactivity, and role, and the study of use of renewable sources (e.g., biomass) for the production of chemicals, fuels or energy. The research also includes the application of advanced analytical techniques for the characterization of materials for industrial uses and for the development of sensors.

SINCHEM (Sustainable Industrial Chemistry):
The research topics of the curriculum SINCHEM are in the field of sustainable chemistry with full attention to the interface with the industrial chemistry competitiveness and Europe’s environment and sustainable development. The research is focused on following mains sectors, which are both key aspects of the principles for sustainable/green chemistry and critical elements for the innovation in the sustainable chemical industry. – Development of innovative catalysts and catalytic processes. Catalysts are the core element to improve the performances (in terms of reduced used of raw materials and energy, lower production of waste) or enable new process options with lower impact on the environment or risk. – Novel green solvents. The development of novel green solvents and their use in chemical syntheses (including catalytic ones) is a key factor for sustainability of chemical industry. – Renewable energy and raw materials. In order to reduce the depletion of natural resources, it is necessary that chemical industry progressively implements new routes using renewable raw materials and energy. – Microreactors and membranes. Key concepts for future manufacturing are modularity which offers flexibility, but reduces economy-of-scale effects. The twinning of microreactor, novel catalysts and membrane is an enabling factor to meet this challenge.

Job opportunities and potential areas of employment

The most important professional opportunities for a PhD in Chemistry are the inclusion in public (Universities, research institutions) or private (industries, spin-offs, etc.) research laboratories. The training of PhD students carried out in contact with colleagues with diverse experience will guarantee a working environment similar to that of employee positions. In addition, PhD students may carry out part of their research activities in the context of employment with public and private entities or in academic spin-offs which collaborate with the Departments. Students can also participate to collaborations with other Italian and foreign research institutions in the frame of research projects funded at national and European level. The path of integration into the world of work can begin with a period of post-doctoral training and lead to a position of responsibility in preparation and conduction of projects or in management of research groups. The favourable reception of PhDs in Chemistry by research institutions is also evidenced by the significant funding for scholarships obtained from these institutions in the last years.

PhD programme notices

Admission procedures

Evaluation of qualifications: results by 14/07/2015 on Studenti Online – Oral examination: 21/07/2015 – results by 23/07/2015 on Studenti Online – More information in the PhD Programme Table (visit website, see the link below)

Aldo Roda

Dipartimento di Chimica «Giacomo Ciamician» – CHIM

Via Selmi 2   Bologna (BO)


+39 051 343398


+39 051 343398

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