Funding agencies in Europe

Several PhD and Postdoc grants – CAS-TWAS International President’s Fellowship

TWAS is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy, working to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in

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70 Grant Programs in The Netherlands

70 Grant Programs in The Netherlands: Scholarship + Travelling expenses + Settling allowances CURIOUSU Summer School Festival: Netherlands Bachelors Netherlands

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Physics research grants by Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK (2015)

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC Funding): Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics Research Grants. Particle Physics Research Grants support research in

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Scholarships for Postgraduate students (MSc) from developing country (Africa, Asia and South America) UK 2015

The Louis Dreyfus-Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme supports outstanding postgraduate students from developing and emerging economies throughout Africa, Asia and

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Several Postdoc grants ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowships, Switzerland

The “ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program” supports incoming fellowships for postdoctoral researchers at the ETH Zurich. The program is intended

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PhD, Postdoc: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

PhD and Postdoc at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR): National Fellowships are awarded to eminent Indian Social

BIGSSS Regular PhD and Postdoc program

BIGSSS (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences) offers admission regular PhD program in Thematic Field C & Postdoc program.

HBIGS: International PhD programme; Life Sciences

The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (HBIGS) at Heidelberg University is inviting ambitious students to

International PhD Programme; Life Sciences: Vienna Biocenter

The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) Doctoral Programme is an esteemed research-oriented educational initiative designed to foster the scientific training of young

PhD fellowship: Biology and Biophysics

Institut Pasteur is inviting applications for PhD and M2 scholarships for physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. The grant program

Postdoc Fellowship Program: Institut Curie

Postdoc Fellowship Program: Institut Curie Each year, several of postdocs join Institut Curie laboratories to learn, share ideas, and actively

Funding and Awards: 200 Plus Fellowships, EMBO

Funding and awards: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, Heidelberg, Germany) EMBO offers awards and financial support for researtcheres and scientists

Japan Foundation: Individual and Organization Grants

The Japan Foundation invites individuals & organizations that are planning international exchange projects and activities to participate in programs of

SIR – Scholar-in-Residence Fulbright Program, USA

The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) Program: It assists U.S. higher education / research institutions in expanding programs of academic international exchange.

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