The applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for one of 10 full time, 4-year positions as an early stage researcher/PhD student in the INTEGRATE  programme at School of Natural Sciences and the School of Mathematics, College of Science and Engineering within the SFI Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Genomics Data Science at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

About the position:
  • This position is funded by the European Union Marie Sklodowska Curie Action programme (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2019-945385) and Science Foundation Ireland and is available from 01-09-2021 to contract end date of 30-08-2025.
  • INTEGRATE is a doctorate training programme within the CRT in Genomics Data Science. The INTEGRATE programme trains early stage researchers to specialise in integrative human genomics research by providing interdisciplinary training in (1) biomedical science (2) health research skills and methodologies and (3) genomics data science.
  • The researchers trained in the programme will thus develop the knowledge and the ability to identify research questions that offer the greatest benefit to society and have all the skills to address these typically complex problems.
  • There are 10 PhD positions available for the 2021 cohort across the six participating Irish Universities.


  • Applicant must be an early stage researcher; meaning that at the call deadline (15th of January 2021) you must be within the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of your research career and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Applicant must comply with the MSCA mobility rules whereby you should not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the call deadline.
  • Applicant must have a 3rd level degree (B.Sc., equivalent of Honours 2.1 Irish degree or MSc.) in a relevant discipline, such as a biological science (genetics, biochemistry, biomedical science, molecular biology, immunology, etc.) or a data science (computer science, engineering, physics mathematics, statistics, bioinformatics, etc.). Applicant should also have a strong aptitude for programming and data analysis.
  • Applicant must have advanced level English language competency, demonstrate ability to understand and express in both written and spoken English at a sufficiently high level to be able to complete the training.

Start date: Position is available from 1st September 2021

How to apply:

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNational University of Ireland (NUI)
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Biological Science (Genetics, Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Molecular Biology, Immunology) Data Science (Computer Science, Engineering, Physics Mathematics, Statistics, Bioinformatics)

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline15th January 2021

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