3 ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships: GUDTP 1270 views

The Grand Union Doctoral Training Parternship (GUDTP) invites applications for ESRC-funded postdoctoral fellowships to be based at one of our partner institutions: Brunel University London, the Open University or the University of Oxford.

About the fellowship:
  • Fellowships are aimed at those in the immediately postdoctoral stage of their career.
  • The fellowship will provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills.
  • Applications are invited from applicants who have undertaken their PhD at a research organisation that is part of an ESRC-funded DTP or CDT, and who are within 12 months of completing their PhD.
  • Applicant must hold PhD or have submitted their thesis and passed their viva voce with minor corrections, with the expectation that the PhD will be awarded by the fellowship start date of 1 October 2018.
  • Proposals are welcome from single or multi-disciplinary backgrounds but the fellowship activities must be aligned to one of the Grand Union DTP’s 24 thematic pathways and based at least 50% within the social sciences.

Fellowship value: 80% of the fEC for the Fellow’s salary will be funded

Starting date: 1 October 2018


Following documents are required:

  • Research proposal (maximum 2 pages), outlining the work and activities to be undertaken during the fellowship
  • CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • Statement of support from the proposed SAME mentor
  • Covering email confirming the doctoral institution, date of PhD completion, and to which of the GUDTP’s 24 thematic pathways the Fellowship proposal will be aligned

Selection Criteria:

  • Quality of work programme and potential for research excellence
  • Clarity of justification of how proposed activities will support the career development and longer term career aspirations of the applicant
  • Appropriateness and attainability of planned outputs and outcomes, including adequate provision for engagement with both academic and non-academic audiences
  • Closeness of fit with departmental research priorities and benefits to department of hosting project/Fellow
—————–Quick Overview————-
Organization University of Oxford
Fellowship Level Postdoctoral
Country UK
Subject areas Social Sciences
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility PhD
Deadline 15 January 2018

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