48 Faculty Positions: IGDTUW, Delhi 5496 views

48 Faculty Positions: IGDTUW (Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University), Delhi

IGDTUW is inviting Online Applications in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for Direct Recruitment to the following Faculty Positions [Group „A‟ – Teaching Category] as per the details given below:

Total Number of Posts: 48

Teaching Vacancies for the post of Professor

PAY SCALE/ LEVEL: Rs.1,44,200 – 2,18,200 / Level-14, as per 7th CPC /UGC Sl.

No. Name of Discipline

  1. Information Technology
  2. Computer Science Engineering
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  4. Mechanical & Automation Engineering
  5. Architecture and Planning
  6. English

Total Posts: 12

Vacancies for the post of Associate Professor

PAY SCALE/ LEVEL: Rs.1,31,400 – 2,17,100 / Level-13 (A1), as per 7th CPC /UGC

Name of Discipline

  1. Information Technology
  2. Computer Science Engineering
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  4. Mechanical and Automation Engineering
  5. Architecture and Planning
  6. Mathematics

Total Posts: 17

Vacancies for the Post of Assistant Professor

PAY SCALE/ LEVEL: Rs.57,700 – 1,82,400 / Level-10, as per 7th CPC /UGC

Name of Discipline

  1. Information Technology
  2. Computer Science Engineering
  3. Architecture and Planning
  4. Physics
  5. Chemistry

Total Posts: 19

Application Procedure

The link for filling up of online application will be available on the university website on 10.09.2021. The candidates are advised to regularly visit the University for any updates. Applications are to be made online.

Quick Overview————-
Organization Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University
Fellowship Level Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Professor
Country India
Subject areas Science and Engineering
Fellowship amount As per Uni. rules
Eligibility Masters
Deadline 11.10.2021

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