Banting postdoc fellowships Program Canada: This fellowship is for all nationalities and covers several disciplines

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program is an initiative of the Canadian Government to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally, to contribute to Canada’s economic, social and research-based growth.

Key Information
  1. 70 new awards every year.
  2. 70 000 $ per year.
  3. Grant is awarded for 2 years (non-renewable).


  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and also foreign citizens can apply.
  •  PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree 
  • Applicants must not be holding a tenure-track or tenured faculty position in any institution.

Criteria for selecting applications

  1. Research excellence leadership in the research domain.
  2. Quality of proposed research program.
  3. Institutional commitment and a demonstrated synergy between the applicant and institutional strategic priorities.

How to Apply

The candidate must complete the following steps:

    • Access ResearchNet to register and fill out the application file.
    • Fill out all the necessary criteria before  submitting your application:
  1. Area of Research and Applicant
  2. Degree Information
  3. Banting Common CV
  4. Research Contributions
  5. Leadership Contributions
  6. Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form
  7. Special Circumstances (including solid justification for lack of mobility, if appropriate)
  8. Lay Title and Lay Abstract (mandatory for the application to be considered)
  9. Project Overview
  10. Project Details
  11. Project Descriptors/Keywords
  12. Choice of Institution (as part of the research proposal and Supervisor’s Statement)
  13. Research proposal (clearly formulated for a multi-disciplinary committee)
  14. Bibliography
  15. Supervisor’s Statement

The three referees’ assessments mus extensively develop the three sections found in the Referee’s Assessment form in ResearchNet.

The Saved a PDF copy of these sections should be send to

Quick Overview———
OrganizationCanadian Institutes of Health Research
Subject areasAll areas under the institute
SalaryAs per Canadian law
EligibilityPhD holders or Health professionals
DeadlineSeptember 21, 2022


April to September 2023Applicants seek endorsement from host institution to apply, prepare and submit application (institutions may have internal deadlines).
September 20, 2023
(20:00 EDT)
Deadline for complete application submission
October to December 2023Evaluation of applications
Mid-February 2024Anticipated notification of results. Applicants will be notified by email when the results are available on ResearchNet.
April to October 2024Payments begin
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